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Pic of the Alpha's bed

Macks POV:

I cant believe he sent me out like a dog with my tail between my legs. What the hell is he thinking she cant be his mate she isn't even a werewolf and from what happened earlier not human either but that begs to differ then what the hell is she? The power that
I felt come off of her as she forced Kaden to shift and the strength
in which she was able to do it with. What the hell is she? I make my way out to the main part of the house to find the rest of the pack hanging around and talking. The whispering about what had just happened with their Alpha. Walking into the room everyone turns towards me quite down quickly. "Alright there is nothing to worry about Darius is going to be fine he wasn't attacked he had just found his mate and it was a major in pack on him and his wolf at the moment. So all of you please return to your duties if you have any to do." I tell them all when they look at me for answers. The pack mind link goes into overdrive with everyone trying speak at once through it. "STOP NOW!!!!!!!!!!" I roar at them all through the link.

This is just to much for me right now what a pain in the neck I walk out of the room and head back upstairs to see how everything is going. As I'm heading to the stairs a hand shooting out stops me. I look over to see who the hand belongs to it's Xiao Len I guess he's back from Hong Kong early. "What's with all the growling around here i barely walk in the door when i hear you growling out at everyone." He says to me, rubbing his head. Shaking my head I look at him like he has grown a third head. "Alpha found his mate and there is a little problem with it add to that he is very weak at the moment. What do you think is wrong Len?" He looks at me like i had gone crazy i just shake my head and motion for him to follow me up stairs. "So Darius found her are they locked away fucking like rabbits. I would think so considering how long it took for him to find her. So what is she like?" Of course he wouldn't just stay quiet for a while so i could get my thoughts together. Why did i ask him to follow me up here oh that's right he's third in command and needed to know this as soon as possible.

So I just go ahead and tell, I can seeall questions pass by his eyes before he just walks past me and into the room. As I enter I notice that nothing has changed expect for the fact that Darius is now sitting up with Melody laying next to him sleeping soundly. We walk over to Darius who is with Doc packing up his bag. "So how are you doing now? You look a lot better since I left." I say, he keeps looking over at Melody's sleeping form before looking up at us. "I'm good still weak but a lot better than before she says that it'll be a few days before i get my full strength back." He says before looking back at her she really does look like an angel no pun intended. Even though she is one i just never thought that they existed but I guess if we did then maybe god and all the angels and heaven crap is real too. Len moves forward staring at Melody with a strange look on his face. "I know her?" It's barely a whisper but we all hear it and turn his way. Darius speaks before I could say what we're all thinking. "What do you mean you know her? And how the hell do you know my mate Len?" Darius says barely containing his roar of rage as he says it.

He looks up shocked at what Darius just said then starts to look around at me and Doc. I just shake my head at him he says something in Chinese and than blows out a breathe before speaking.  "La shi" "It's a long story so bare with me I can only tell you what i was told and what I've seen for myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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