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Getting out of the SUV after Darius had us pull over as I'm closing the door I see a women stumbling across the street. She barely makes it she's walking this way or rather stumbling she stops in front of the bench there. Watching her I notice something is off I smell that she's not drunk it's something else. There is also some kind of power coming off of her. Looking back over I see her going to sit down only to start to tip forward with my wolf speed I run over to her and catch her before she falls. I go to call Devin over to help me and see that he is rushing to Darius's side of the car looking over I see Darius laid out on the sidewalk his car door still a jarred. Carry the female towards the SUV I carefully lay her in the backseat then go to help Devin with Darius. We get him back in the car I lay back his seat so that he is more comfortable. " Mack what is going on? What happened to Darius and who is the chick?" Devin ask me in a rush. shaking my head I go to check on the woman "Darius" she whispers. "Devin get on the phone call Doc let him know that we're coming in and what happened." he looks at me then ask "are we going back to the pack house?" "yes" is all I say before hopping in the back with the woman Devin goes back to the drivers side and takes off popping a U-turn and heading back to the pack house.

We were at the pack house in no time at all.  Doc was waiting for us out front with a few others. They all rushed to the SUV before we had pulled to a full stop Devin had jumped out coming to my side as I pulled the woman out of the back carring her inside. Doc was tending to Daruis when i went looking for him. Doc and Daruis wasn't in the room they were in before. "Mack you need to come out back something is going on with alpha." Jon says out of breath. Running out towards the back what i see when i get there shocks me to the core.

I stood there watching as our alpha now in wolf form is (for lack of a better wording) playing around like he's a puppy with the chick that we brought back with us. But that isn't what has me in a state of shock there's this aura around them a powerful one at that. So bright that it nearly blinds me and her wings that are protruding form her back are soo amazing. I push pass the few people that have gather out here along side us and make my way closer to them. Spotting Doc. I move over to him "What's going on Doc am I seeing this right now or am I dreaming."

The Angel's Werewolf (1)Where stories live. Discover now