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Pic of Betts Diner

As I stood by the door while the bell above it quite down looking around at the retro looking place . A teenage girl comes up to me with a smile. "Hello welcome to Bett's Diner I'm Lacey is it just you tonight?" She says. I nodded my head yes she motions for me to follow her as she leads me to a booth in the back near the windows.

I look around the retro diner there are a few people in here, but then again it is past 10 at night. "Here you go can I get you anything to drink." Lacey ask while handing me the menu. "I'll have a coffee black please." I tell her she walks off as I pick up the menu looking it over quickly. Knowing what I want I put it down and take look around.

Lacey comes back with my coffee and sets it down she asks if I would like to order yet. I give her my order loaded fry's and a grilled chicken sandwich. She walks off to put my order in I go back to looking around. There we're a few others in the diner hmm late nighter think to myself as I turn to the window looking out at the town.


It had been a few hours since I had went to my room to go to bed. I was getting restless I hadn't been for a run in days and Kaden was howling at me to let him free to run. Getting up and out of bed I head to the bathroom to do my morning business. After I head to my balcony throwing the doors open I'm aware that I'm still naked (yes I sleep naked people) when a cold breeze blows my way across my naked skin.

Taking a deep breath the fresh salt and forest air hits my senses. I leap down from my balcony and shift mid air landing in my wolf form. Kaden was pitch black with powder white paws and tail. I let Kaden take over he shakes out his fur then takes off at full speed.

After awhile we came to a river stopping to take a drink water letting the wind blow through our fur as we did. There was a scent in the air that was sweet and rose. My ears perk up then Kaden is taking off in the direction the smell is coming from.
"KADEN!!!! " I scream at him. "What's going on why are you so excited."
"MATE!!!! he howls back at me. Mate can it really be her we've been waiting so long for her to come has she really arrived. "YES she's close I can smell her." I couldn't help but smile.

We we're running so fast dodging trees and jumping over fallen branches. By now we we're beyond the town by miles near the round leading into town. He stops just inside the trees near the road siffing around us. Looking up I see a SUV just sitting across from me. The door opens on the drivers side and out steps the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Kaden starts to growl and back away from her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!" I shout at him he doesn't answer just keeps backing away till he is out of her sight. "MATE change NOW" he growls at me I change back into my human form not caring that I'm naked. I walk back towards the road to see her driving away. I watch as she heads to town before shifting and taking off back the way I came. I run faster then before I want to get home and clothed and head into town to find her my MATE.

The Angel's Werewolf (1)Where stories live. Discover now