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Pic of Melody

Melody POV:

It's been too many years since I fell from grace and yet I have not aged. I still look like I'm 22 with my red hair fair skin and blue eye's. Never in a million years did I ever think that I would be kicked out of heaven.
Four centuries have gone by since then. I've been wondering around it took me a long time to come to terms with everything and adjusting was even harder. I knew nothing about being human and yet here I was.

After the first two centuries I begin to emerg into the world and stated living learning. Still there was something that kept me from moving completely on in hopes that Michael would allow me back to give me my grace. As I move there the world from place to place meeting new people forging bonds only to see the grow old and die. I hated that while I still stayed young never aging that all my friends grew old and died they all went back to heaven while I stayed here.

So when all of them were gone I'd pack up and move on. Never knowing where I would go next.

As I was packing up my place here in Boston after Mary Ann's funeral sitting on my bed thinking how this would be the hundred and seventy-fifth time that I packed up my stuff and leave Boston. I loved it here I watched it grow Mary Ann was the last of her family line here family was the first humans that I met when I fell from grace. They helped me protected me helped me. They knew all about me I didn't have to hide who I was around them.

It was hard every time I had to go through one of their deaths after a while I became numb to it going through the motion's each time one of them died. But the hardest death to hit me was Mary Ann's I was there from the beginning.

I can remember when her father "Sean" came running to tell me. I was in my office going over some papers.

"Melody you want believe the news that I have to tell you. I still can't believe it myself." Sean said out of breath

"yeah what is Sean? " I asked

"Clara she's pregnant about three months along. Can you believe it? After all these year's of trying and it finally happened. " I could see how excited he was that Clara was finally with child. It had been hard on them to conceive. It was hardest on Clara she had always wanted to be a mother and when the doctors told her that she may never conceive. She locked herself in their room and cried for two weeks before I was able to talk her out. "I'm so happy for you guys Sean" I said while getting up and going to hug him.

The day that Mary Ann was born was hard on us all Sean the most Clara didn't make it through the birth. She only held her once before dying. After while Sean was dealing with her death I took Mary Ann into my care and became her parent. After the burial Sean took off and for 8 years I took care of Mary Ann till Sean returned.

He took over from there but I still was there to help out when needed. Mary Ann was a fighter till the end.

When she was in her twenties she found out that she can never have kids. And then becoming the best designer on the east coast. Throwing herself into it and building her company ANGELS LITE the biggest designer out there. Before she was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas stage 5. And when she had only months to live she just kept working till she was too sick to do anything. In the end she was still the bright and shining star that I saw when she was born.

The O'Brien family they gave me so much protection, life, love, and family and I know that one day I will see them again.

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