Chapter 6 - Silence

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Sarah's P.O.V.

Yesterday wasn't the best. I cried myself to sleep for the first time since I had found out my dad passed.

Today, it was hard to get out of bed.

This was going to be a short week, because of the three day weekend.

At least I'm happy about that.

I didn't look my best today either.

I threw on some black tights, a grey hoodie, some black Nike sneakers and tied my hair into a messy bun.

I got to school at 8:05 this morning, making me late for class.

As I walked into school, my hands stayed in my pockets and my hoodie was pulled over my head.

I came into class not even caring what the teacher said.

"Ms. Williamson, why are we late this morning?" She asked.

"Woke up late." I said blatantly.

"Don't let it happen again." She scolded.

I took my usual seat next to Adi, but I didn't say a word.

I mean, he obviously doesn't want me to talk to him.

I stared out of the window the whole period.

When class let out, I just took my backpack and rushed passed Adi without saying a word.

I didn't see him again until lunch.

I saw Adi, Isabel, and Nick sitting in the usual spot.

Isabel saw me and looked me in the eyes from across the cafeteria.

She saw I was on the verge of tears.

I looked at her again, and then looked to the floor.

I walked out of the cafeteria to my car.

I ate lunch there because I didn't want to see Adi; and he probably didn't want to see me either.

Adi's P.O.V.

"Is it just me, or does Sarah seem distant today?" I bring up.

"Yea, I would to if you yelled at me like that." Isabel says.

"True." Nick mumbled under his breath.

"I didn't mean to hurt her feelings-" I was cut off by Isabel.

"If you didn't want to hurt her feelings you shouldn't have been such a dick." She gets up from the table and stomps off.

"Okay, I'll admit I deserved that." I agree.

"Yea dude, and as a best friend, it's my job to tell you when you're being a dick. And you were being one." Nick scolded.

"I know man, I messed up." I admit.

"What's going on? Is there something you aren't telling me." He asks.

The bell rings.

"I gotta go, I'll talk to you in P.E.." I rush off to 6th period.

I come in to see Sarah in her usual spot.

I sit down next to her. She doesn't say anything.

"Again class, don't forget your projects are due tomorrow." The teacher reminds us.


I'm supposed to go over to Sarah's house to work on it tonight.

"I'll let you guys use this time in class to work on it." She says before sitting down at her desk.

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