Chapter 1

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"Hey sugar, mind if I ride you home?"

Ugh...catcalling. Such a familiar thing to experience. Woman are usually used to this behavior from weird creepy men roaming the streets of america. Heaven wasn't expecting when it happened to men or as I should say boys as well.
Edd....he was fairly used to this. Not that he liked it, it was just a thing that happened in his everyday life each time he wasn't accompanied by his friend's, Tom and Matt. Those two were always out of the picture because of a few reasons. One of them being because they were in somewhat... A relationship. Second being because they didn't live anywhere near to they're friend so it was very rare of them two to be seen with edd on the streets. Though they tried to tag along as much, that still didn't help as much.
He just has to deal with it then.
But it gets worst.

Edd strolled through the streets with an umbrella over his head. It was pouring heavily and that little umbrella was the only thing that was sheltering him from the rain. He shrugged.  A nice cup of coffee would work out perfectly and a good book as well! Maybe if he made it home in time, he'd be able to experience it!

But first the poor kid had to go through a bunch of pedophiles thinking it was okay to hit on guys as well. No, definitely not the buff ones. It was always the short, chubbier and more vulnerable ones that was on target.
Who would have thought they'd be desperate to shove their dick in something.

Right on call, a man started his job in making their victims very uncomfortable.
"Hey baby aren't you a surprise ~?"

Of course, the short cola loving boy ignored him. There was no point in trying to crack some sense it these kind of people's brains. They just didn't have the brain power to process it.
After about getting through about 3 guys, he finally managed to get to the traffic light which always meant that he was close enough to his apartment.
All he had to do was stand beside this large looking form which of course was a male.
His built form hinted at it much.

"Why are you so anxious?"
Woah, this guy definitely wasn't from around here since his voice was dripping with some sort of norwegian  accent. Edd avoided eye contact immediately.
He must be another one of those idiots.

"I don't talk to creeps so leave me alone"

There was a long pause before cackling was heard and this infuriated edd as much.
Why was the fucking guy laughing???
"What's so funny?"
"N-nothing, its say that but at the same time you did talk to me. Maybe think twice before you say something"
Ugh....jerk much?
The Brit huffed and looked away hunching his shoulders.
"Creep" he muttered.
The other taller male must've heard since he started snickering once more.
"Look who's talking, I only asked why you were so anxious. I didn't pin you to a wall and start fucking you over"
That son of a bitch. Even so if that was unsettling, the shorter males face heated up and he looked down trying to shake it off. Why was he even flustered at that?!! That counted as rape as well!
Maybe if you weren't enjoying it but still!
"God youre disgusting!"
At that moment, the light flickered to green and the few cars driving close stopped right behind the crosswalk. Finally.
"Aren't we all?"
Edd looked up at the male questioningly finally having a glance at his looks.
Big mistake. He actually looked...really good. His skin was slightly tanned and he had just pure green eyes, they almost looked like emeralds.
His hair was a light golden brown and its strands hovered over his eyes. His face structure was just perfect. Unfortunately the small boy couldn't help but inspect him further. It was almost like a trance.

Too bad for edd, the male walked upfront leaving him behind.
He was desperate to stop him and ask him to join him for a cup of coffee but after insulting him? Surely not.
"Oh and also, you said I was the creep right? I wasn't the one starring at other peoples faces like I wanted to give them a blowjob kid. So keep it straight" he grinned before disappearing into a store.
Oh boy.
The brunet couldn't help but blush deeply and look down embarrassed. Of course....

Well if he did know one thing, he obviously knew keeping it straight wasn't happening anytime soon.

-this is really crappy I'm sorry
I'm just trying to start new ;-;
Hopefully I'll redo all the other stories

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