Chapter 5

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(YALL I FUCKIN FORGOT TO POST THIS OML IM DYING. actually i didnt want to post this cuz i felt bad for edd ;v; im sick)

Its been about two weeks yet it hasn't even rained along those weeks and edd was getting frustrated this time.
Why the hell was he so godamn unlucky till even the weather decided to get in on this?!
Most of his time during these days involved drawing, sleeping , taking a walk , stress eating and more. It wasn't like he was obsessed or anything right? That guy was just some STRANGER that decided to help him out for some reason. Why did he even?
Edd couldn't figure it out but soon enough, he heard a sort of tapping sound on the window.
It was raining! Godamn finally! Even during days under the sun, edd couldn't even catch a glimpse of that mysterious man he met. Their meet up's usually occurred during rainy days. It was weird but he didn't bother to waste time figuring out. Maybe if they got a little closer, he could ask.
The brunet immediately pulled on his hoodie and grabbed an  umbrella bursting out through the door without another word. Gosh this kid might even end up killing someone on the way out.

It was the usual walk again, nothing more. Just....luck didn't seem to be by edds side at the moment.
It was honestly really dark assuming it was probably gonna rain cats and dogs since it didn't for about two weeks.
Edd sighed. "I hope he'll be here at least. Maybe he forgot..." He muttered. That was a possibility. Its been way too long to even remember some stranger that you met and decided to talk to for....well maybe for some reason...
Still, even edd couldn't remember to do his daily routine and thats a daily thing that's so simple and easy to memorize even a baby could. They didn't even exchange contact numbers before they left so that makes it even harder than it should be.
He shrugged. Just his luck.
He snapped from his thoughts as soon as he felt a small tug at his sleeve which caught his attention, and suddenly, he was being dragged into the alley way by a dark figure with no warning whatsoever.
"Hey what the-!"
He pulled back his arm and glared at the figure taller than him who had a devious grin already in place.
Too bad for the green hooded male, it definitely wasn't tord.
"Hey kid, hasn't it been a while since I last saw you?"
"And who exactly are you? I've never even seen you before...."
"Eh I usually call out to you but you seem to not like the attention very much" he grinned.
Oh shit-
Oh shit-
Oh holy fucking shit-
How the-
Why now?!?

The Brit gulped and backed away even further from the older male, his palms sweaty and his heart pounding. This cannot be happening right.
"Hey! Why so afraid? Its not like I'm gonna eat you alive"
"I....I'm really s-sorry but..I have to g-go. S-someones waiting for me-" edd stuttered before moving past him only to stop when he felt his arm being grabbed and pinned to the wall.
This wasn't happening.
This can't be happening.
He shuddered fear taking over the smaller male in under a second as he struggled trying to free his arm from the others grasp.
"P-please l-let me g-go already!"
"You sure are a noisy one for your kind. Well thats good for me~"


Tord huffed kicking off the excess mud of his shoes. Today wasn't exactly the day he expected it to rain yet he felt relieved as soon as it did. Rain was one of the rare things that made him happy and it was soothing and comforting for him.  This soothing feeling came from music as well or drawing which he eventually took on as a part time job. But rain? Well it was much more then just that. A few years back during his childhood days, his mother would take him out on rainy days to play and eventually they did it every time it rained. It was always peaceful to watch the droplets hit the rough ground and the sound of it was just...reassuring.
"Why's the sky crying mama?"   
He'd  ask.
"Its just really happy" she'd say.
"Why's it happy?"
"Well....its happy to see you again"

Time passed by and life wasn't exactly the kindest to them both. Tords father was an alcoholic while his mother was a smoker and they two parted ways after three years of marriage. After a few years, she was diagnosed with lung cancer one knew of except the doctors who were treating her.
Soon the day came when tord was given away to an orphanage.

"Why am I here?"
"Well honey....your mother...will be leaving the country for a while"
"Why didn't she take me?"
"It's... Very dangerous and very far so she thought you'd be better here..."
".....when's mama coming back...?..."
".....I.. Can't answer that but....She'll always be with you even it you can't see her...just trust me and get some sleep sweety, I'll go on and unpack your things."

"But........why didn't she say goodbye?"

And after that, nothing seemed as it is. The small horned haired boy would end up sitting by the window alone away from the other kids in the orphanage, silently drawing only to pull his attention away from the book when it starts raining.
Rain. It was some sort of memory to him. He'd make his way to his caretaker and get her approval to leave to go outside, she'd instantly agree since...she knew.
The other kids were very much confused by this, especially one of the bullies in the building and sometimes it'll go down by fights.

The norwegian sighed. Back then, he wasn't the smartest one so he usually ended up getting into a fight with that guy.
Still, it's as if nothing changed.
It was still pouring like cats and dogs out here. It still felt as it used to be. Only thing, he was more matured this time. That and well, he's more capable of handling himself now.

Tord shrugged and continued down the empty path. Usually by now, he'd meet up with that dark drown haired kid that he's so use to teasing him about a lot. Well they weren't exactly strangers. Not to tord at least. He's seen him before countless times, even back when he was teenager. This mysterious adorable brown haired boy had always been his goal, to someday meet up with him and get to know who the real him was. Their first meeting or at least tords was back during the norwegians teenager days, and same as always , it was raining. He was caught up by a storm and was stuck by the bus stop. And well, there he was,just...drawing away and waiting for the rain to end.
Who knew he'd end up meeting him again right?
He quickly snapped out of it once something blindly hit his leg and he shrugged looking at the item and picking it up. It was..blandly familiar.
Isn't it Edd's?

Rainy Days//ToreddWhere stories live. Discover now