Chapter 3

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Its fucking 12:30am and I'm getting drunk on cola. Also there's a cricket I killed and a bunch of ants came to claim my offering, so to not kill them...I had to Olympic jump over their asses. Fuckers better not bite me tonight.

Edd groaned as a car sped past him splashing some mud and water onto his coat. was raining again. He didn't know if it was either just his luck or the weather enjoyed his suffering.
He shrugged wiping of the mud of it.
"Just get to the store and get some cola, that's all" he whispered to himself. Anxiety was getting to him and so was his insecurities but all he was able to do to calm himself down was fiddle with his fingers inside the pocket of his coat. He wasn't much of an outside person anyways. Every since weirdos kept trying to make up a conversation with the poor boy.
For once he wished at least one of those handsome ones could be it. I mean it was unsettling to be catcalled but at least ! Just one fricking Jonny Depp, Chris Hemsworth or Zac Efron kinda guy!
But no! It had to be old ass thirsty codgers or either weird looking potatoes that had to hit on him. Perfect! Just perfect!

Edd huffed once more before stepping into the store , he shivered as the cold air from the air conditioner blew at him. He was kinda wet after all.

He sighed and closed up his umbrella before pacing up to the usual spot where the cans of cola's would be stacked. Finally succeeding to get a few cans, the Brit decided it would be pretty nice to eat a bacon sandwich. He had the bread and most of the other ingredients. All he needed was some bacon. And just his luck! There was one last package sitting all alone.
"Finally some luck at least" he sighed before reaching for it....that is until he felt another hand on his and his eyes trailed down from the hand to the figures arm then to to their broad shoulders before finally reaching their-


Abort!! Abort!! Abort!! This can't be happening right now!

"Hey its you again!" The same stranger from before chirped. Although this time, his face and image was much clearer. And holy god edd was not dissatisfied at all.

"O-oh uh y-yeah I r-remeber you..." The smaller male awkwardly chuckled looking away with a flush face. Not going well at all.
"Oh I suppose you wanted this huh-"
"Oh no its fine just take it"
"What a gentleman. Tell me. Am I the only one getting this special treatment?" The norwegian grinned taking the package in his hands.
"W-what? I'm n-not like-"
"Well its good for me! Why don't I help you with your groceries as a token of my gratitude?"
Edd didn't really expect this and he surely didn't know what to do. He was a flustered blushing mess and being with this guy would only make it worst even so.

"S-sure I wouldn't m-mind some help at all"

Oh boy well here we go again.

Boy needs to be less gay cuz damn, he only met the norski about.. Like 3 times.

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