Starscream Seeker Part 1

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        JanjaFan: I had to start with this guy. He is my favorite after all. Remind you this is his BACKSTORY that you will need to know to understand him. Got it? Good. Anyways I want suggestions on nicknames for him from his peers. And anything else you wanna suggest. Also I LOVE OTHER PEOPLE OPINIONS!!!! Even if it is This book is scrap. I wanna know. Okay? Let us begin! ( Also this takes place in Transformers Prime) ( Another also. Sparkling=Child, Femme=girl/woman, Servo=hand, Helm=head, Sire=father, Berthroom=bedroom, Peeds=feet)

       Starlight's Profile:

       'Two Guys????? Why Me???? ' Just kept flying through my head. Two cute amazing guys want me as their spark mate. Their names are Warrior and Starwillow. I have known Willow since I was a sparkling, and I have known Warrior since I have been a teenager. This was going to be so hard. I had to choose my spark mate. OUT OF THE TWO OF THEM!!!! All of my friends aren't any help. They just want me to pick a jerk who likes me; just cause he is a handsome and strong and is on the council. No help from them!!!! I took a deep breathe and ran through all my memories. I knew who I was going to pick. I walked out of my house and saw Warrior and Willow on the steps. Those two are best friends. Almost like Brothers! They are never going to like each other again. And whose to blame???  ME!!!! I collapsed on the steps. Helm held down.

               " Starlight? Are you okay?" Willow asked me putting a comforting arm around me. 

              " No.......I can't choose." I moaned. They will never be friends again.....

             " Hey Light its okay. Just say who it is." Warrior said with one of those horrible laughs that used to make me laugh.

           " Please don't hate me..... or each other if I tell you who I choose." Glancing at both mechs I then looked down and sighed. 

           " I choose Willow" I said turning to Willow. 

           He looked so shocked then he smiled. Then he frowned. I then turned back to see Warrior glaring down at me.

       " This isn't over." He said furiously. Then running off. I never saw him again. 

              5 years later............

        " He is so handsome Starlight." Willow said. 

          Pride covered his face. I had just given birth to my first sparkling, Starscream. He was such a handsome seeker. All silver and with perfect little wings. He also had long silver claws which were perfect. I just hoped he never accidentally scratched me with them....they looked sharp!

       " Your a sire Willow." I said looking up at Willow with a tired grin. 

          " And your a mom." Willow returned.

      " Siii." Starscream said a little grin on his face. His little hands reaching towards Willow's faceplate. 

     Willow and I both chuckled. " Sire, sweet spark. Sire." I said holding Starscream close to me and Willow. 

      He was just so perfect. He then gave the cutest little yawn ever. Then he nestled into me. " Sleep Starscream sleep." Willow said using his servo as a pillow for Starscream's small helm. 

       I then awoke to screaming from Starscream's nursery. He was screaming loud and there seemed to be no end of his screeching.

      " The name choice at least was accurate." Willow murmured sleepily. " Hush." I said playfully batting my servo at his faceplate.

      I got up from our berthroom and went to the nursery. I was smiling tiredly until I opened the door. " Warrior?!?!?" I gasped.

      " Hello Starlight, long time no see. This sparkling yours?" He said revealing the crying, screaming, Starscream. 

       Clutched in Warriors arm I could see him crying and yelling and most interestingly, fighting Warrior. He was kicking and turning and being quite troublesome towards Warrior. I would have smiled if Warrior wasn't looking as if he was going to murder Starscream. 

      " Warrior. Leave Starscream alone." I said begging to him. Tears sliding down my optics. 

       "Starscream? Accurate name. Sparkling has quite some lungs." Warrior said smirking at me. Starscream's little helm then turned towards my voice. He began crying louder this time reaching his little servos to me. 

    " Starlight?" I turned and saw Willow walking to me. 

     " Willow." I sobbed still standing in the doorway of the nursery. 

     " Warrior." Willow then stated darkly glaring at the monster holding our sparkling. 

      " Oh will you be quiet!" Warrior snapped at little Starscream who was screaming, crying, kicking, punching, scratching and struggling more. 

      " That's it!!!!" Warrior yelled looking as if he were going to throw Starscream. 

       " NOOO!!" I yelled grabbing Starscream and falling to my knees in front of Warrior. 

       I didn't realize that it was a trick. A love of a mother towards her sparkling had overpowered my logic circuits until I noticed Warrior coming closer to me. I held my helm down looking at the now silent Starscream, who was now shaking in my embrace. A hand jerked my helm up and I found my faceplate right in Warrior's faceplate. I gasped not knowing what to do since I was holding Starscream. But thank the allspark this sparkling has anti-bad bot radar. Starscream screamed a very loud scream causing Warrior to jump back. I turned and saw Willow smiling, trying hard not to laugh, and walking towards me. Starscream then stopped screaming and titled his helm up looking into my eyes. He was grinning and giggling as if he knew what he did and was very proud of himself. I beamed down at him. 

         " One more step and your dead." Warrior said darkly pointing a gun at Willow. 

       My optics widened with fear. Starscream gave a little whimper and began to try to hide in my arms. I began to cuddle him rocking him back and forth. Trying to comfort him the best I could. A hand jerked my helm suddenly. I saw Warrior's hateful optics staring into my fearful ones. I began to breath faster. I was scared and Warrior knew it. He smiled at my fear. As if I were some sort of amusement to him. I began to wonder why Starscream hasn't screamed again when I saw Warrior's servo over his little mouth. I pulled Starscream close to me and tried to back away but Warrior grabbed me and pulled me to my peeds. He turned me around so I could see Willow. I knew Warrior was going to take me. But  I couldn't let him take Starscream. He had nothing to do with this. I quickly threw Starscream out of my arms. 

No Profile

        Willow caught Starscream and glanced at Starlight. " Starlight."

      " Take care of him." Starlight cried as she was teleported away with Warrior. 

        " No.... WARRIOR WHEREVER YOU ARE YOU WILL NEVER BE SAFE FROM ME!!!!" Willow yelled crying. 

       " I will take care of you Starscream it will be okay." Willow then softened glancing at his little sparkling who was also sobbing. 

      " Mommy?" He asked in tears. Looking around for his missing parent.

      "She isn't here." Willow cried sitting down holding his sparkling. What did Warrior want with Starlight? 

( CLIFFHANGER!!!!! I will update after I get one comment! Stay Cool and Peace Out! 😎 ✌️- JanjaFan)

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