Starflight Seeker

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JanjaFan- THE MOMENT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR HAS ARRIVED!!!!!! THE FIRST TRANSFORMER KID!!!!!!!! Enjoy!......( also the pic. is for what color Starflight is)

Starlight's Profile

     It has been one whole year since I have been kidnapped and now I was about to have my second sparkling!!!! At first when Starscream found out he pouted. Which was seriously really really cute. He must have really liked being an only child. Until I told him he could help name the sparkling. Then he was all over names and wondering what it was like to be a good sibling. Willow and me got a good laugh out of that. And THIS time we were soooo not going to let Warrior get in the way.

     Starscream was now nine and was in the Junior Seeker Squad where he had already made two good friends, Thundercracker and Skywarp. The three of them decided they would be a trine. ( three seekers that work as a team, every seeker has one) I remembered when me, Willow, and Warrior used to be a trine. I could only hope it would turn out better for my little Star. 

      Once my second sparkling was born, she was beautiful. She had perfect wings like Starscream and had the beautiful blue optics. But instead of being silverly paint job like her brother she had a pinkish red. 

       " Hello dearest." I said to her. The sparkling beamed and touched my faceplates. After rubbing our helms together I handed her to Willow.

         " My aren't you the silent one." Noting how quiet she was. Giggling she began to play with her wings in Willow's embrace.

          " Starflight." Starscream said suddenly. I smiled at him realizing the name was perfect. 

           Starflight then laughed and held her servos out to her brother. Starscream gently took her from Willow and smiled. Starflight then nestled into her brother and smiled sleepily. The two were perfect together.

Two years later.....

Starflight's Profile

             " Again again!!!" I laughed as my brother threw me up in the air and caught me. I loved the sense of flying it gave me. 

               After being thrown up in the air once more I hugged my brother. " I luv you." 

           " I love you too. Now come on or else we are going to be late!" My brother said smiling; he then transformed into his jet mode with me in the cockpit.

          Today my brother was taking me to the Seeker Base. It was where all the seekers were. Most seekers were Tri-Seekers which were seekers who worked in trines. My brother's trine were the leaders of the Tri-Seekers. Together Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp were the Jet Brothers. The leaders of the Angel Seekers was the Jet Sisters. ( The Jet Brothers and Jet Sisters was something both leading trines came up with) The leader of their trine was Alpha. She was beautiful and graceful and also was a Angel Seeker. Angel Seekers were female seekers who were gifted the power of Angel, the first female seeker. Angel Seekers could use their emotions to cause incredible things. Tears of happiness could heal, anger could cause earthquakes, and when they sang they could make anyone feel joy. Her two seekers in her trine were also Angel Seekers, Sky and Areial. Me, my brother, and Alpha knew that Sky and Thundercracker both had secret crushes on each other. The same with Areial and Skywarp. 

         When we made it we were greeted by The Jet Sisters and the rest of The Jet Brothers. " Hey guys!" My brother said to them while I stood by his side. 

          " Is this Starflight?!?!" Sky gasped with a smile picking me up while I nodded.

          " Look how big your getting!!" Areial said tickling me a little.

            Laughing happily I smiled at Alpha. " I wonder how old you are?" She asked me playfully wondering if I knew. Holding up two with my servos I giggled. 

           " Two?!?? Girl stop growing so fast I need our little Star to stay little!!!" Thundercracker said patting my head. 

         " Come on let's talk while walking or else we will be late!" Skywarp said with a smile. 

         I always loved playing with my brother's friends. They were all so cool. Once they were all done with their leadership jobs we went outside to race. Transforming into my jet mode I got ready to race them.

          " No hard feelings if you lose L.S?" Skywarp teased. 

           " Okay." I said. They didn't know how fast I was. In fact I was the fastest Junior Seeker which was saying something since I was only two. 

           The race ended in a tie between me and my brother. " WHEN DID YOU GET SO FAST?!?!" Thundercracker and Skywarp asked in shock. 

          " I think being owned by a two year old is the least of our worries. Our true worries should be getting home." Alpha said once we all stopped laughing.  

          After saying our farewells my brother stopped by to say hi to his old friend Megatronous. He was now a very famous gladiator and spending time with him was beginning to get very hard. But I always enjoyed playing with his little brother, Ultimatron. 

          " Megatronous." My brother said with a smile when we found him in the training ring teaching Ultimatron how to kick a board in half. 

          " Starscream." Megatronous said giving my brother a hug. " Good to see you again." Once those two started talking about boring adult stuff me and Ultimatron began to train with each other. 

          I helped him with flying techniques. And cool flight stunts. While he taught me how to fight. " I can...t... wa...i...t...for....mowr pway time wit you." I said struggling with those horrible big words. " Me....too." He said after a few attempts. Both of us laughing we said bye and left with our siblings. I thought nothing could change and everything would be like this forever....... 

 I was wrong.

CLIFFJUMPER!!!!!! ( Sorry just had to) Hope you enjoyed and Stay Cool and Peace Out ✌️- JanjaFan

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