Starscream Seeker Part 2

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JanjaFan- Here is Part 2!!!  By the way any nicknames for Starscream you know of? Tell me in the comments below please!

Starscream's Proflie

      I don't remember much about my mom. I just remember her saying I love you and her warm embrace. Only in dreams and picture do I ever see her. But she is always crying and saying something to someone else in my dreams. Just I don't know who. I have been raised by my sire for my entire life. He always is telling me stories about my mom. How she was an amazing fighter and was super smart. He also told me I got her good looks. I only wish I could see her. Just once, even if it were just a second. I am only eight years old and I have never met my mom. Shocker. I also have two more years until I go to school. Which I really don't want to go to. I have heard what school is.

        I am playing outside in the small garden my sire and mom have/had behind our house. I would look at all the flowers and jump from stone to stone. I even practiced flying a little back there. There was tall bushes along the outside too high for anyone to jump over. There even was a hidden dome protecting the entire garden. Only me, my sire, and anyone we allowed could enter. I looked up at the azure sky. Vos was such a beautiful place. I then looked around making sure no one was around. I ran down a secret path that led beneath the garden. I then stepped to the edge of a small pond. It was a beautiful place, a place my sire and mother had made. I then allowed myself to use my secret. In my open hand a beam of blue shot from my servo, raw power of the Stars. I then turned it into a small ball of power. My sire had the same powers. He told me to keep them hidden, however, so I couldn't use it a lot. I then allowed the power take over me and greate an orb of power around me. I smiled giggling. I loved using my powers when I could.

        " Starscream." A voice said behind me.

        I turned expecting to see Willow but saw someone else. He had dark armor. He was all black with purple markings on him and he had dark red optics. He was glaring down at me in hate. I began to stand and walk back......into the pond. I screamed and fell in. A rough grasp then pulled me out. Sputtering and coughing I came faceplate to faceplate with the mech. Whimpering I began to cry silently. 

        " Who.... who...... who are you?" I mustered stuttering and shaking.

        " I'm Warrior." He said with an evil grin.

        My optics widened. Warrior was the name of the mech that kidnapped my mom! I began to fight the mech and screamed for Willow. Hoping that maybe just maybe he could save me. Holding me high the air with one arm he then used his other servo to cover my screams. Struggling, I kept kicking and trying to punch him. 

         " Starscream!" A voice shouted out. 

        Warrior turned pulling me to his chest plates turned so I could see Willow. One arm holding me in place while the other turned into a gun pointing at Willow's spark. Filled with fear I looked at Willow. 

       " Such a youngling. Eight years I presume?"  Warrior darkly said still holding me.

       " Let. Him. Go. He doesn't have anything to do with this." Willow returned with a death glare.

         I began to squirm around and felt more scared than before.

         " Yes he does. He is your and Starlight's sparkling. He would have been mine if you weren't choosen." 

         " WHAT DID YOU DO TO MOM?!?!?" I screamed landing a hard kick on the mech. 

          Grunting from the pain he smiled darkly at me, " I have her as my prisoner but I can't  do anything to her since she is being protected by her Star power. It has made a shield around her not allowing me to do anything but give her Energon." 

          " Give. Her. Back." Willow demanded.

           " No. Say goodbye to your son." Warrior said with a smirk.

          " No!" I shouted fighting even harder kicking and punching until everything around me disappeared.

         " Starscream!" I heard Willow shout.

        " Sire!" I screamed. " Sire....."  my voice drifted off as I cried into the arm of the mech who kidnapped me. 

        I then fell to the ground in tears, crying for my sire. " Get up!" Warrior barked at me.

        I jumped to pedds. Then was dragged into a dark room. A femme was in the middle of the room. Holding her legs close to her, curled up into a little ball, she was surrounded by a dark blue shield. 

       " Starlight, we have a guest." Warrior said gently, his voice deeper and more calm. It was sickening. 

        " Go away." Starlight replied in anger.

         " Come now. Who do you think the guest is? I will give you a hint...... he has quite the fighting ability and a loud voice box."

        " You." The femme said angrier, not turning around.

         " Wrong." Warrior smiled, more than ever I wanted to get away from this mech.

       " Then who?" The femme stated darkly.

        " Mom?" My voice cracked in fear.

         The femme whipped around in shock and stared at me.

         " Starscream?" She said in a shocked gasp. Servos over her mouth standing, staring at me.

         " Mom!" I yelled in excitement. Pulling myself out of the grip of Warrior and ran into my mom's warm embrace.                    

          " My little sparkling." She said hugging me and pulling me close to her. Hugging her back I felt like I nothing could stop me. Not even Warrior.

Starlight's Profile

          It had been eight years since I was kidnapped from my family. Eight years of Warrior trying to make me love him. Which had been totally failing. HE HAD EVEN TRIED PINK ENERGON! Only for the two of us to find out I was apart of the 1% of Transformers that it doesn't work on. I always kept my Star shield up until today. Now my little sparkling is back my shield was gone. And Warrior knew it. I was then pulled to my pedds. Cold hands on my torso. 

          " Look at me."I felt myself be forcefully turned. I was glaring into the optics of Warrior. 

          Realized the little space between us my spark began to race. Oh my spark no. As he kept a firm arm around my back I realized I couldn't pull back. 

         " Let. Go. Of. Me." I said with every breath as I was being pulled closer and closer to Warrior. 

          My arms were pinned to my sides. No escape. Worse I could see escape in the corner of my optics. Warrior had left the doors open. If I could just run through those doors I was home free. All of a sudden Warrior fell to the ground. Behind him was Starscream with a long metal pole. Quickly dropping his weapon, we ran to the door. We ran until we were outside where we then transformed into jets and flew away. Flying away I saw Warrior shaking his clutched servo at us screaming. Honestly he was being louder then Starscream ever had been. When we got back home Willow picked me up and twirled me around. All three of us laughing. All of us having a full family once again like eight years ago.

     CLIFFJUMPER!!!!! ( Get it Cliffhanger Cliffjumper?) this was Starscream's backstory. Now vote down in the comments if you want Megatron, Optimus's, or Arachnid's backstory next. Stay Cool and  Peace Out. 😎 ✌️- JanjaFan

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