Alli Sister Of a Spider

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( Warning: This won't be very good since Alli is supposed to be SPOILER ALERT  secretive. So if it is short I'm sorry. It will get better in future chapters however. Anyhow enjoy- JanjaFan)

Alli's Profile

  What do you do when your family hates you, gives you zero attention, and almost always forgets about you? You do whatever the scrap you want. My sister, Elita, pays a little attention to me but only because she needs someone to complain to. My parents almost always forgets my name because they are too busy with giving Elita the perfect little life. The eldest child gets all the attention while we younger children are ignored always. I HATE IT. The only good thing about it is that I can leave the Mansion whenever I want and I get to see my best friends Starflight, Ultimatron, and Altris. 

  Starflight sometimes, if her brother isn't watching, lets me ride on her when in jet mode. It's like surfing but on a jet flying fast. I am a bit afraid of going fast high, once I'm older though it won't be a problem. Ultimatron and me always practice fighting. I love guns, bows, or anything else that has to deal with good aim. We don't play often though since we like play fighting better. Altris is also really nice to me. No not romantically for any shippers out there. All my friends are really nice to me. I just see Altris the most. We are both good hackers and medics. He is gentle and kind to anyone and everyone! He has this ability to hack into anything he puts his hands on!

     I am only 1 by the way. If anyone cares. I was just coming back from playing with Altris. We had just hacked into my sister's account and I'm pretty sure she just found out. Climbing over the gate I walked across the garden. Strange how such beauty is always locked up and protected. Never to see anything or be seen by anyone. The garden is kind of like me. I am pretty with my beautiful sky blue paint job with silver trim and purple optics. When I transform I even have a golden crown head piece on my hood. Oh sorry, for anyone that cares I transform into a ground vehicle. I barely use it though.  Climbing the tree into my the highest branch, I jumped onto my sister's balcony. I have to use her room because its the only room where I can leave and enter the mansion unnoticed to anyone. 

       " ALLI!!! MY ACCOUNT WAS HACKED AND CHANGED MY USERNAME TO MY REAL NAME!!!! FIX IT!" My sister shook me and yelled at me like a mad bot. Of course she always needs me to fix her technology problems. 

         She and everyone else here hates me. I would wish for them all to disappear but I can't. They ARE family after all. Well things couldn't get any worse. Yet I was always.

 JanjaFan-Hey I hoped you enjoyed! More will come and you will finally be able to met Altris. Stay Cool and Peace Out! 

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