chapter 2 - The Truce

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     (Error POV)

"...I'm sorry. I don't want to fight anymore." I said as I looked at Ink. His face was shocked and confused but then he smile. "I forgive you Error. Truce?" He asked as he held out his hand. I smiled. "Truce" and shook his hand. "Ssoooo now what? Now that we aren't going to fight anymore, I don't really have anything to do." Now that I think about it. "Well...umm...wanna hang out?"

(Ink POV)

I asked. "Sure." He shrugged. "Great! But where? There are so many places to go! Like underswap, science tell, or maybe.." "I think I know a place." He grabbed my hand and I blushed as he teleported us somewhere.

(Sorry it's short, like me, but I got stuff to do so...later)

The Truce (errorxink)Where stories live. Discover now