chapter - 3 A New Beginning

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(Error POV)

I teleported over to one of my favorite places. Outertale. The only reason I didn't destroy it is because it was calm and peaceful. We were on a hill as the sky was filled with stars. I looked over at Ink as he was looking up at the stars. "Wow" "What?" "The stars are just so beautiful!" "But I thought you created this place?" "I did, but I have been so busy I didn't really stop to look at the stars here." I sat done to look at the stars and gestured Ink to sit next to me. He walked over and sat down next to me. We had both looked at the stars together.
(Timeskip brought to you by temmieflakes)

(Still Error POV)

It was getting late. So I decided it was time to get home. "Come on Ink. I think its time t-" I felt Ink lean on me. I blushed a little. It looked like he was asleep.*sigh*. I carefully picked him up bridal style and teleported to my house, since I don't know were he lives. I walk inside as Ink was cuddling into my chest. My blush increased. I may or may not have a small cru-NO NO NO! Snap out of it Error! He is just your friend. You can't possibly like him. I set him on my bed and closed the door. I yawned and settled down on the couch and fell asleep.


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