Chapter - 8

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(time skip)

         Error pov.

Me and Ink have gotten closer since the truce. I dont starting to feel...different. Like Ink is more than just a companion. Its probably something that'll go away. But....just in cause. I better talk to someone about it. I teleported myself to Geno (my brother) in the void. "Geno?" he was sitting by himself (as usual) "Geno". He turned around. "Oh hey Error... what do you need?"  "*sigh* I need to take to you about something, some things not right with me. It my be a fluk but..still" "Uh-huh i see. So whats this "fluk" " see...i have been around...someone....and we have a close "friend"? i think we havnt really confirmed it but anyway...ive been feeling in a good way? But also in a awkward way? I dont know. Mabye its...Geno?" "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" "Geno?....GENO NO!!!!" "GENO YES!!!!!"

(....i got nothing)

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