Ink (the creater). Error (the destroyer). They have both fought for a long time, but what will happen when one of them wants to end it? Or when they fall in love with the other?
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(Ink POV)
I giggled a bit but I covered my mouth trying not to wake Error up. I got closer to Error as a started to draw the moustache above his mouth. He swung his hand over his face but I managed to dodge it as I continued. I finished it up and put the cap back on. "There~thatshoulddoit."I look at him as I tried so hard not to laugh. I took my phone out and took a picture. "Thisissogoingtobemybackground".I put my phone away and decided to wake him up. "Error~Wakeup" I whispered. Nothing. I took a deep breath in and yelled"FIRE!! AAAHHHHTHEHOUSEISONFIRE!"Error woke up and fell off the couch trying to run out of the house. I laughed so hard, tears were coming out my eyesockets.
(Error POV)
I woke up to Ink screaming "FIRE!" and fell off the couch. I headed for the door but I stopped when I heard Ink laughing. "You little..." Ink just kept on laughing and then it died down "I'm sorry error I couldn't help myself ". I growled a bit and yawned. If I'm up I might as well do something. I walked by Ink and said "I'll get you one of these days". He just nodded and had a smile on his face like he was holding back a laugh. I sighed and when to my bathroom. I walked in front of the mirror and turned the lights on.....and then I saw it.....a red mustache drawn on my face.
(that is it for today. I hoped you like it. It took me a while to write because of situations where my mom almost found out about my wattpad and tumbr 3 times. I am f**king playing with fate and the odds are in my favor. I might do a separate story about that and also draw a picture of Error with the red mustache. Anyway....later)