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(im not dead btw)

(Ink POV)

          I went home and I laid on the couch. My mind went to several places and asked many questions. As much as I trust Error now, its seems kind of fishy that he now decides to call a truce. And why is he much more friendlier now? What is this feeling? I dont remember drinking any of my emotion paint lately. ARGGGGGG its god darn Error and that sexy face. I threw a pillow in my face and screamed in it. I sighed in defeat. Well.....there's only one way to find out. I took out some of my figure drawings I haven't finished and redrew them into to people. One is a random female and the other was a random male. I finished the finale products of both and stared at them for a while. I was pretty proud of  the female figure butttt......I could never finish the "bits" in the male one. I have no idea why, its not like I haven't seen one, I mean, I have one but I feel embarrassed and nervous drawing it. People say its normal for begging artist to be shy on it. But I've done this for years and it still bothers me. *sssssiiiigggghhh*......i am gay aren't I? I tried to imagine the "bits" and I immediately felt embarrassed. 

(Error POV)

      I left the void and into my home, my face all red. Geno just had to push the problem in my face and make me feel awkward. I sat in my bed. Questioning myself.....AAAARRRRRRRGGGGG AM I GAY OR NOT? The little bastard makes me feel weird and, strangely aroused. I guess I just answered my own question. No doubt. Ink always made my feel like this. Even before I realised it. I became softer to him in our fights, before I knew it I felt guilty hurting him and seeing him leave with some bruises. I knew I had to stop or it will get to me and haunt me forever. Now that everything is fine, I don't feel as guilty as I was before........still i feel a weird presence around me, im not sure what it is. It my be some guilt from before but.....I feel as something is watching me, staring.....judging......


so the little traiter has feelings after all


I wonder.......

(hehehehehe >:3 Ill leaving here for now, and come back and finish it later......later)

The Truce (errorxink)Where stories live. Discover now