chapter 6- Sweet Revenge

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Ink pov.

"IIIIINNNNNNKKKKKK!!!!!" I laughed my head off hearing that. I knew he found out. As I fell to the ground in laughter. I heard Error run in. "WhaT thE *FuNK* DId YoU dO TO mE?" "I'm pretty sure you can already figure that out." Soon enough I had calmed down. "You are so getting it!" "heh heh, getting what?~" (me: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) "" he walked off. I giggled a little when he had no comeback. Then I released that error was a lot stronger than me and he was the one to call of the fight. I then got a little scared and watched my back.

Error pov.

I couldn't believe that little bastured pranked me. ME. After when I spared him, took him on a da- hangout and I let him sleep on my bed. Well if it's a prank war he wants, it's a prank war he'll get. And I know just the thing. I went over to the kitchen and looked in the cabinets for cake batter. And I also got the following. Hot sauce, mayonnaise, food coloring a cupcake sheet and some wrappers. Oh, this is going to be good~. I went right to baking. 


Finally I'm done with the perfect prank. I had made cupcakes but the frosting is actually mayonnaise with food coloring and I put hot sauce in the batter. I set out the trap and all that was left to do is wait...

( I. AM. SOOOOOO. SORRY. I had lost track of time and with the campfire that is in California I haven't got my mind off of it because I live close to it. Well I hope I am able to finish this soo....later)

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