Olivia Chapter 13

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I had been on my feet for about four hours trying to remove this tumor, it was definitely the most stubborn I had seen im a while. It had grew at least twice as big as when I first diagnosed it. All she had to do was get it taken care of, when I told her too. I sucked my teeth as my leg started to cramp up. It's your fault too Olivia, like Daddy said. You're the doctor, you should have known better. "Clamp.....Forcep.....Suction.....more suction please Dr.Kennedy. Can I get a little more light please! Not that much light! Where did you get your degree, online?!" I knew I was being a little crabby but if this woman died it would have literally been my fault. I let her walk out of here, knowing the dangerous conditions of keeping it in. Not to mention her entire family was in the waiting room, I was sure of it. If we're being honest, I had to make sure she survived because If she didn't, I was scared of the impact it would have on that man out there. Sweat was pouring down my forhead like buckets of eater "Wipe my forhead please" I stressed. " Let me see the clamp one more time" I felt the goosebumps on my skin rise as I pulled it out nice and slow, making sure I didn't hit a main vessel. I saw the fear in his face, and no it wasn't my place to take his pain and his worries away but somehow I felt like he just needed someone to be in his corner at that moment. "There....and there......can I get a little bit more light. Clamp please." I blew my breath out as my ears listened to the applauds. I was able to get the entire tumor, and now I would be able to tell her family she would be okay. "Nice job doctor" I gave a nice little bow "You guys can go ahead and close her up now. " I snatched my gloves of and launched them into the waste basket. "Ill be in the break room if anyone needs me."I cheerfully stated with all the cockiness in the world. As soon as I walked out the operating room, I made sure noone was looking and I broke down. I was so scared, I just knew I was going to have to call time of death in there. I quickly wiped my eyes as I heard someone coming around the corner. I nodded my heads as my fellow doctor's rounded the corner. I walked to my father's office, my office for now. I needed a moment to be alone.

"What?" She answered on the first ring. "Nana, are you really still mad at me! I didnt start that!Monica started it!" I stressed. "I was their Olivia! I know who started it, I just wanted my granddaughters to get along for one holiday, that's it" I could hear the hurt in her voice and it made my stomach churn. Just for the sake of making my grandmother happy, I wish I could get along with my only sister. But at this point, I didn't care if I never saw Monica again. Kenneth could go choke on his own vomit. "Christmas Eve is tomorrow Liv" I shook my head even though she couldn't see me. "I work all week, doubles and all. You know Christmas is my busiest week Nana" I heard her blow her breath through the phone. "I also know you're the cheif and you make the schedules Liv. Well can you at least bake a few pies" I rolled my eyes, she wasn't getting me sucked into this one. "I'll see if I can stop by NaNa, I won't make no promises" Yet I could still hear her clap her hands. "So how are you doing today? You never call me at work" She knew me so well, that's exactly why I knew to call her. "Remember the woman I was telling you about, who had the tumor in her brain?" "Yeah I remember" "Okay so today I went on lunch, I was going to go to that seafood place you were telling me about- "You were going to go to Krabz without me" She interrupted. I rolled my eyes, this woman drove me insane.  "Nana, I have only an hour of lunch, how am I going to bring you a plate and make it to work on time" She grumbled but gave me the green light to continue. How kind of her.  "So anyway, I must have ran over a nail or something because before I knew, I caught a flat tire." "Oh my gosh are you alright?!" I took a few deep breaths as she interrupted me again. I hated being interrupted. "Yeah I'm fine Nana, so anyway I had a spare in my truck. I had been out there a good twenty minutes before someone came up behind me, offering to lend a hand" . I paused, waiting on her reaction and was shocked when one wasn't provided. "It turned out to be Yohan.......my patients husband" I added when I didn't get gasp I was looking for. "Well that's wonderful that he was there. I nodded, I'd probably still be there if Yogan hadn't arrived. I had never learned how to change a tire, and since my dad was always on call he never had time to teach me. "And as soon as we finished, I got a 911 text that his wife had passed out" I left out the part where we laughed and talked for almost thirty minutes, that was irrelevant. "Are you serious?! It's a good thing you were together at the time. How is she doing?" The feeling of despair came over me again and I had to remind my self that she was in perfect condition and I removed the entire condition. "She's good Nana, she's blessed. I just thought she was going to die" My voice cracked as my walls finally came down. "You've always had hands like your father Liv, maybe better. You are an extraordinary doctor. I never doubted you, why would you doubt yourself" Words as simple as those brought more tears to my eyes. "Nana, I just thought it would have been my fault, I was so tired that day. Usually I would have stopped my patient if she wasn't up for surgery or she walked out. I called her a few times, but I could have done more." I wiped the last few tears that ran down my race. "Now get off this phone with me and tell the family, you saved her life." I giggled through my tears and agreed to call her later. She was right, I had dealt with bigger and badder issues than this. I was a bomb surgeon.  I was literally whistling down the hall with a huge smile on my face when someone cut me off. "Is it over! Is she okay? I....came to get....s-some coffee. I take your whistling as a sign that everything was successful?" I'm guessing  this person was apart of. Kiyanna Greens family, I could definitely see the slight resemblance.  "Noone came and told you anything?" I didn't mean to frown, but I felt like noone was taking me serious. They knew if I wasn't available to inform the family, they could. It wouldn't have killed them.   She shook her head  quite anxiously. "Stupid bastards" I mumbled. I nudged my head towards the double doors. "Come on, let's go in the waiting area to let everyone know what's going on." She stopped in front of me. "Dr.- "Pearson" I told her. "Dr.Pearson no disrespect to you, but I have been waiting here for hours trying not to lose it, because my baby sister was getting her brain cut open. I literally cannot wait another moment" Her voice was slightly raised, but the only thing j could think about was the love she had for her sister. Monica probably would have been on the next plane to Germany by now. I nodded my head "Yes it went amazing she- "Before I could finish my statement she cut me off with a bone crushing hug. It instantly brought a smile to my face; I laughed and gently pulled her away from me ."As I was saying, she should make a full recovery. Even better than before" Jai thanked me again and went to relay the news to Kiyannas waiting family. I wondered if Yohan was out there: I shook those thoughts away as quick as they came.  Of course he was here, that was his wife. He didn't seem like the type of person, to just wait until the surgery was over to make an appearance, he would probably be in the OR if  he could. I cracked up at the thought and headed to the lobby ready to go home. Today was only off day, but when duty called you answered. "Damn" I mumbled as I walked in the parking lot. I forgot triple A towed my car home.  I pulled my phone out my scrubs out my pocket as it vibrated against my thigh. The caller ID read unknown.

"Pearson? Hello?" I could hear shallow breathing on the other line, but no one was speaking. "I don't know who this is, but I don't have time for this." I pulled the phone away from my ear "Liv wait, It's me" I looked at the phone and chuckled, this man wasn't crazy enough to call me after his latest stunt. "Kenneth?" I could hear sniffling over the phone "Baby I'm sorry, It's just when we broke up, you didn't want to answer my calls or even see me. I was talking to Monica and she seemed to understand" I giggled in amazement. "Of course she seemed to "understand" I used my fingers as air quotes. "She manipulated you stupid! Her only goal is to hurt me and you helped her."  I shook my head in disbelief, I felt betrayed by the man who I'd once give my life for, and my own blood.

As bad as this hurt me, I wasn't even truly upset with Kenneth, men were like dogs in heat sometimes. They'd screw a pig if they were drunk enough. My real hurt stemmed from the woman who I shared everything with, including a face. Despite the huge difference in our skin tones, people always thought we were twins. "I didn't even want her baby, you know I've always wanted you" "And Keisha and Breanna and Mikey!" I mocked. "You weren't satisfied with just me Kenneth. You wanted your cake, and everyone else's too". I felt myself getting heated all over again.  "Liv"He stressed I could tell Kenneth was sorry by his desperate tone, but that had always been our issue during our three year relationship.  He was always sorry when it was too late, when it didn't count . "Kenneth, I was through with you when you gave me a trip to the clinic, so what makes you think afer you went on a date with Monica where you knew I'd be, I'd give you a chance ?" I paused waiting for this great explanation, this grand miracle. Kenneth said nothing "That's what I thought" "Baby you said it yourself she has always hated you even as kids, you have to know she used " I slapped my hand down my face this nigga really didn't get it, I was ready to hang up on him. "Exactly Kenneth you knew she was using you to hurt me, so for you to play along  means a small part f you "needed" to hurt me. You wanted to get me back for leaving the great Kenneth Allen, for ignoring you.  What you wanted me to to walk down the ailse with the clap?! Im sick of individuals that I love needing to hurt, belittle, and try to break me down. I gave you the world, but that wasn't enough for you.  Don't call me again" I hung up the phone before he could get a word in and before he could hear how bad he still affected me.

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