Kiyan Chapter 16

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"You ready to go Mrs.Green?!"Dr.Pearson came in looking more beautiful as ever. And even though I didn't want to I touched my head again. I hadn't felt beautiful in weeks, but my family was here every single day to remind me I was lovely. Even Jai who had been gone, called me every other day on facetime. I hadn't allowed Yohan to come back to my hospital room, and I had mixed feelings about it. On One hand I was pissed at him for trying to control me and withholding secrets from me, on the other hand I was use to seeing him. That smile, those tattoos would shine all over his skin when he would workout, and that one night we shared. Just thinking about how he- "Kiyanna" I jumped out my skin when my mother called my name. "Yes Beverly?" "Your doctor asked are you ready to go baby!" I nodded my head I had been in this hospital bed for sixteen days and I was ready to eat some real food and sleep in a bed. "Well your recovery is the fastest I have seen in a long time, just make sure you come see me next month for your check up ok?" I smiled at her, anything to get her out my room. Her perfect auroa was nauseating. "Have a good afternoon ladies, I've filled your prescription out and you can pick it up at any pharmacy." She picked up her clipboard and walked out. My mother's false grin disappeared as soon as she shut the door. "Ugh I thought perfect Patty would never leave" I burst out laughing because I was so much like my mother. It was true, she was always happy and grinning. I don't know maybe I was just a hater. "Bryce us having a small welcome home bash. You'll be there right?" I asked as she wheeled me out the room. Hospital policy, just in case my balance was off. "I doubt it Ky, I'm not necessarily aloud over there. It sucks, I haven't seen my granddaughter in years. And I've never even met the baby" My heart ached for my mother, they were acting as if this woman hadn't given us life. Yes she made mistakes, whose perfect! "I'll talk to him, he needs to forgive you. They both do" As my mother rolled me to the elevator I asked my mother to stop. "Hold on is that Yohan?" I looked a bit closer, that was him. I saw hm laughing with Dr.Pearson. What was he doing here, didn't he work on Fridays? I didn't want to admit it but he looked so handsome...his dreads were freshly redone and his arms bulged in his mint green sweater. He looked happy, it was a nice change from the worrisome looks he would always have or even the pain filled ones. I don't know why I thought he would look like a crackhead with huge bags around his eyes. I didn't want to be angry, I was the one who told him to leave me alone. I had been ignoring his calls for weeks, his life wouldn't stop just because I told him to leave. Dr.Pearson caught my eye, and nudged Yohan. Immediately he tried running over but the security guard who remembered Yohans large fram grabbed his mase again. Yohan held his hands up and backed away. "One day you not gone have that mase" He threatened. "I heard you're doing better, I just wanted to put an eye on you for myself. I was just talking to your doctor about it. You look great baby" "Not as great as you apparently" I spat before I had a chance to reel it in. I started to apologise and I opened my mouth but Beverly beat me to the punch "Is that all Yohan or would you like to cause more damage? Maybe her eyesight this time" I told my mother the entire story and I now I wish I hadn't, she brought it up constantly. And now she was throwing low blows. Yohan had that look his eyes again, like a little man was holding a torch in his pupils. His eyes were dark grey. It was the equivalent to a storm brewing. He stepped closer "Beverly I promise you If i had a sister, I would -
"You what! I wish you would, you know I'm from the streets, don't play with me pretty boy! I will have somebody lay your ass down for fun" Beverly put the breaks on my wheelchair and walked in Yohan's direction only to stop short in front of him. "You ain't from the streets, you live in the streets! Ho you are the streets! You'll never be nothing but a crackhead!" He screamed. "Hey! That's my momma!" I jumped in. "Since when?" He whispered something then directed his pleading eyes to me. "Kiyanna, baby I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. I just want you too come home. I'll do better. Ill tell you everything and anything you want to know. We can start over, just come home" I looked at him and his eyes were blue. "Why would she go home with someone who threatened her mother. That's a idiot" Beverly laughed. She was right, he had gone too far. "Goodbye Yohan" She pushed my wheels and Yohan grabbed my hands. "I'll take care of you baby. I'm sick without you". "She said no! Security!" I said nothing as Yohan looked at me desperately. "Logan!" He pleaded calling me by my middle name. Beverly wheeled me past him. "You did the right thing Kiyanna. He's no good, you can't trust him with your life or trust him to get honest with you? Other than his good looks, what is he there for?" We got to Bryce's car and Kim hopped outside t help me with my bags and wheelchair. "You ok sis....Yohan came to check on you before you were discharged. Did you guys talk?" I looked at him and sighed. "If you don't want him that's okay to Ky, you just gotta tell him. Don't string him along, he doesn't deserve that." Beverly's head turned from side to side so quickly it was almost comical. "Who gives a damn what he deserves, she lost her memory and her child behind that bastard. He deserves to go to jail! Matter of fact" That's when Kim stepped in, sensing Bryce's irritation. "Olivia do you want to get your medicine now, or would you like to settle in at home first?" I appreciated her calling the house home, I felt like I had overstayed my welcome though. I had been there two month, not to mention the overtime they put in trying to make sure my Clinic stayed open. "Liv?" "Huh? "Would you like to... "Umm you could take me to Walgreens." Kim nodded and made a U turn. Ten minutes in this car felt like an eternity with Beverly and Bryce arguing and Kim trying to intervene. I jumped out the car as if it was on fire. "I'll be back quickly" "Please" Bryce muttered catching our mothers attention. " Dr.Green" I stood in line ready to pay for my items when the Pharmacist looked at me as if he had seen a ghost. " I know you have probably have seen thousands of patients since me, but you saved my daughters dogs life" I frowned which caused him to elaborate. " She wanted was that dog to be okay before she passed. My daughter had stage three liver cancer and the dog had gotten hit by a car . We brought him to you bloody and unconscious and you told us you were going to do everything in your power to save him. And you did" He wiped the tears away as a grateful smile formed. I didn't want to tell him that I didn't remember, so I just thanked him. "Of course, I remember you. You were my favorite patient. But please it was my job to help you. " He told me to stop being modest, that I was his hero. His daughter was able to pass away with a smile on her face the next year "Is your practice still doing well?" I nodded my head able to answer something honestly. "Yes it's growing every day" He congratulated me. "Well if you need anything and I do mean anything you know where to find me" He handed me my prescriptions and thanked me again. Sure would have been nice to remember doing something like that, it seemed like I had a good life. I headed back to the car when I bumped into someone."Ky" Chris frowned at me as if I was the one who had knocked his molars out. I winced as I remembered how hard Yohan hit him. "Hey Chris how you been?" He gave me a menacing glare "I've been great....had to spend two thousand on the damage your psycho husband did to my mouth but who cares right?" "Im sorry about that, I really am. I told you to jump" I shrugged my shoulders humourously. He nodded his head. "That's okay, cause that kitty was definitely worth it" He bit hit his full lips and I could feel my insides turn to lava. "You taste like honey Kiyanna. Do you know how good you taste? How wet you get? The closer he walked, the further I walked until we were chest to chest. I put my hand in front of him "Chris, I'm married" He looked at me like I had seven arms, "Why you saying that like it matters to you Ky?" He mumbled against my look so sexy with your mohawk. I'd be stupid not to get between them butter pecan thighs again" It's like I had no self control. "It does matter. I am married, that's how you got that gorgeous accessory in your mouth" I referred to his braces. He nodded and chuckled. "You got jokes" He then walked to the counter, nodded his head and reached for something. "Come on" He said reaching for my head. "Where are we going?" Chris said nothing as we walked through the ailse. I needed to hurry up, I had already been gone for a good fifteen minutes. He brought us to the family bathroom and unlocked it. "Ladies first" I shook my head. "No Chris I'm not doing this. Christopher" I groaned weakly as he pulled my underwear down. I wasn't putting up much of a fight "Yes ma'am? How did you know I loved lace Ky" He lifted me on to the sink and desperately latched onto my clit. "Chris...ooh Chris. Wait baby" Yohan had once told me that the leopard pink and black underwear, that were currently around one of my ankles,were his favorite. I shut my eyes as he placed figure eights on my lips. "I'm married" I groaned feeling my toes curl up. "You always say that, but you don't mean it Ky. You don't really love that nigga! You gone always come back to me." I paused, who did he think he was? I pushed him off of me with his heel and frowned. "We're done here. Lose my number" I guess this was happened when you dealt with a nigga ten years younger than you  "I'm...sorry I just....I couldn't and you were" His stupid ass stood there making no sense. "Get out!" I yelled. He apologized once more before he yanked open the door. I sighed as I locked eyes with her "I'm sorry, I'll use the other bathroom" Dr. Pearson walked away without another word. Great this is going to be an awkward appointment next month.

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