Olivia Chapter 17

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"Take a breath" I informed Yohan as he paced in my office. Ever since the incident at my house, we had gotten closer. He would vent to me about his issues with Ky and I would tell him how I felt about Kenneth. Some nights I just called him, so I would be forced not to call Kenneth out of lonliness. Or even horniness. "Olivia, I don't get it man, Ky mama never wanted anything to do with her children! Ky ain't a never even had a relationship with her mother! She sucked glass dicks all through her damn childhood, now she wants to act like she's Mother Theresa" I nodded my head knowing it was not the time to interject. "Then she gone tell me, she could have me laid down for nothing! Says she can have me touched in these streets! Crackhead" He mumbled. His eyes were green, was the only thing I could focus on. Green definitely meant anger deep tWhen he sat on my sofa and hugged the pillow close to him I sat next to him, giving words of encouragement "Everyone wants their mother Yohan. She's just trying to find herself, since the accident you have been telling her, her entire life. She's just trying to gain some control. Just give her some time" Tears were slowly sliding down his face and I stood up to get him a tissue. It had hurt me to see him in this position, I was hoping they would be able to reconcile soon. Women would kill for a love like that, even me. I was hoping he was taking what I was saying in. His eyes were closed as he wiped his tears away. "It's going to be okay Yohan, she has to come around. Twenty years doesn't just disappear." He opened his eyes and they took my breath away, they were now dark brown, almost black. "Y-Yohan" I stuttered as he stood and walked towards me. His six foot three frame towered over me and I was wearing heels today. I swallowed over and over, the way he was looking at me, made me nervous and I bumped into the desk running out of space. "Olivia" He whispered . "Oliviaaaaaa" This time he drug it out. He placed his hand on either side of my body trapping me. His finger traced my name tag and I was breathless as his finger grazed my right breast. This time when he said my name, I almost moaned. "Yohan... stop before we do something we'll regret. You're hurting right now but this isn't the solution. " He nodded his head "You're right I'm so sorry. I was out of line." He apologized profusely and backed away from me. He sighed deeply "She acts like she doesn't want me, so I might as well!" I frowned ready to tear into his light bright ass " "Might as well" He sensed my irritation "Liv wait" Let me tell you something Yohan, what we not gone do is use me for sex or to stroke your ego. Or to even get your dick wet for some payback. We're cool, very cool but we'll never be that cool! You wouldn't even know what to do with all this ass!" I slapped it for emphasis. He shook his head "Liv that's not what- " "Let me get out of here...please lock my door when you leave" I didn't want to hear anything else his egotistical behind had to say. As if I was just gone bend over on my desk and let him give me backshots. I jumped on the elevator, I knew I was more angry at myself. I was literally two seconds away from giving this man my cookies, what had gotten into me. I put my purse into my trunk and decided to take an early lunch. I was still mumbling to myself as I cracked my car up. Ring! Ring! I pressed the button on my Bluetooth. "Pearson". "Liv" Just the person to take my edge off. ""Wassup C?" I heard her blow her breath into the phone "Nothing much, it's slow today. These women need to go have sex or something. I'm bored and ready to go home. " I laughed and shook my head at my crazy bestfriend. "I'm serious, I haven't delivered a baby in 2 days. I'm having withdrawals. I haven't seen you much today. Where you been?" I filled her in on most of my patients and she let out a cat call when I got to Kiyanna. "Her husband so fine it don't make no sense, if she don't want him. I'll take him." "Girl he's gone, we won't see her for another month. Plus he's married C! Married" I could feel her rolling her eyes at me. "Girl bye. A man like that is just monogamous. He has a different flavor of the week and I don't mind being Saturday!" "Actually he's faithful, and he loves that woman to death you harlot" Suddenly the phone got silent. "C?" "I'm here...I'm just trying to figure out how you know so much about him and his marriage. Mrs. Green is your patient" Busted. I tried to think of something to say. "Don't be stupid Candice, we talk. She tells me about her husband!" "The husband she hadn't let visit her in weeks? Or is it another one?" I hated when my friend was so spot on. "We're just friends C!" I reluctantly admitted. "And you call me a harlot!" "I didn't even do anything" Definitely wasn't telling her about what almost went down. "But you were thinking about it!" We chatted on the subject a little but more, before it got quiet. "Greg's been calling again." "Are you serious?! That negro does not get enough!" As this point I felt like we needed to put a bullet in homies head. "Yeah....I think I should move to another city Liv" I could hear the stress in her voice. "No, you already drive over ninety minutes to get to work everyday, anything else is extreme." I heard sniffling and it brought tears to my eyes. "I don't know what else to do. He's going to kill me Olivia, I know he will" Olivia had put a restraining out on Greg several times but he always came right back after his stunt I'm jail. The bastard just loved causing a problem. "Just come live with me. I livr closer and Greg doesn't know where I stay." "Liv I can't, I wouldn't want to put you through that- "You're my sister Candace, anything that affects you, affects me. It's settled" She was silent but I knew she knew not to test me. "Have you spoken to Monica?" I frowned as if she could see me. "Why would I speak to Monica?" Better yet why does everyone expect me to speak to the she devil after she hurts me! She started this, why do I always have to be the bigger person!" I was angry but I was also hurt. "Because Monica is older but she has never been the mature one, you only get one sister Olivia. If she died today his would you feel?" I pinched the bridge of my nose. I understood what Candance was trying to do. "C, she's never been my sister. She's always tried to hurt me! Her mama too! They never liked me Candance, and all I ever wanted was to be like Monica. She was beautiful, all the guys wanted to date her, she was popular and then she became a model. But she was too stuck on the fact that my dad left her whore of a mother!" My chest was pounding and my voice was hoarse by the time I was finished. "I'll see you later Candace" I didn't want to talk about her anymore. It was what it was, and at this point I didn't want to change it.
As I was driving, I decided to go visit my grandmother. I didn't have any more surgeries anyway, plus I didn't want to run into Candice again. "Nana" I banged on her screen door waiting to eat whatever she was cooking. "I know you're in there, I smell your greens!" I heard her swear quietly and come into view. "What do you want lil girl, you're supposed to be at work!" I stepped over the threshold and gave her a hug. "I didn't want to go back to work, I wanted to visit my favorite person" I smiled at her, but she wasn't buying it. "Nana, where is Monica's mother?" She pursed her lips like she was thinking. "I don't know where that crazy trick at!" "Nana! "I don't! The only good thing that came from your daddy finding that garbage is Monica, and she's barely sane." I played with my nails and she sat next to me. "What's the problem Liv?" I didn't want to cry, but it was something I had been dealing with for years. "Monica and I have never been close at all NaNa. It bothers me, well it did. Now I can't be bothered with her at this moment." She rubbed her floured hands on her apron "I understand, noone is asking you to have a relationship with Monica at this point. Whatever that lil girl is holding onto is literally going to ruin her life. But I'm sick of my damn dinners going ruined because of it. What she did was trifling and I still don't know why. As far as I know, your daddy always treated you girls the same." "She hates the fact that daddy married my mama and just knocked hers up" Nana stood back up and went back to her greens. "You really think someone could hold on to a thirty year old beef and then let it manifest to there child?" "I don't know anymore NaNa, I just know i have never done anytime to Monica. Never slept with her ex, never wore her clothes, nothing. That's why I wanted to see what was up with her mother." Nana looked spaced out "Ginger was beautiful, sandy red hair and grey eyes, hence the name Ginger. But as beautiful as she was, she was mean. Nothing your father did pleased her and she was always in the club. Tony wanted a wife. One day when your dad was at work, Monica's mom left. I don't know if she forgot about her daughter or she didn't care, but when she came back that night the house was empty and your dad had left. Monica had sat on the couch the entire day with no food or water." My face said it all, so there was no need to open my mouth. "I still remember the look on your daddy's face when he came home and realized Ginger wasn't there. It's amazing she wasn't taken into custody. Whatever she has told Monica that day, scared her so bad she never even attempted to move. She was soaked in pee and feeces. That's why your dad left. Whatever that broad says is a lie." That's definitely not the story Monica use to use against my mother everytime they argued. That's why most of our fights started, she loved to bring my mother up. I didn't win all of them, she did have height on me, but I was always bigger. So eventually I started whipping her ass. "I don't know if you guys will ever get along, it would be nice if you could though" I agreed with my grandmother. "Alright NaNa, I'm going to head on home, thanks for talking to me." She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me "Anytime my sweet baby. Anytime" As we walked to the front door I saw her grab her chest. "Hey...what's wrong?" She shook her head. "Just a little gas, I'll be okay." "Are you sure? I can take you to get a physical" If looks could kill. I took that as my answer, kissed my grandmother on her cheek and walked back to my car.

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