Kiyanna Chapter 38

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"I'm not doing it! She's not making me get an abortion Auntie Ky! She didn't get an abortion with me" Bree and I were in the hospital waiting on the doctor to come examine her. Based on when her last period she was about two months along. "She just wants what's best for you Bree, it was hard for your parents trying to have a career and raining you. They don't regret you for a second, but I'm saying it's alot of work" She put her hands on her still flat stomach. "I'm not underestimating how hard they had it, but my baby has a heart beat" Her eyes were pain filled and I had to look away before I gave in. I was assigned one job, get her to the hospital and get her examined while Kim was at work. Bryce still didn't know, and I didn't want to be around once he found out. I tuned back into Bree " I know I royally screwed up, I understand that but please don't take my baby. He or she has a heartbeat! They are not a bunch of cells and tissue like they want to convince, my baby has a heart beat! It has a heart beat!" She repeated over and over again until she broke down. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead. "We'll figure something out Beanie I promise" The room was quiet for a while before we heard the door knob turn and in walked a familiar face. She was staring at her clip board so she hadn't seen my face yet. "Good morning Bree, I'm Dr Hart.....I see you're here for a pregnancy test. Is that correct?" She finally looked up and once she placed her eyes on me she smiled. "Mrs.Green this is a nice surprise" I frowned trying to place her, she knew my name do we must have crossed paths. She noticed my confusion. "I helped deliver your daughter at the time of your accident. Plus Dr.Pearson is a good friend of mine. She talked about you alot" Did she talk about my husband as well? I wanted to say it, had to bite my tongue not to say it. I didn't have concrete proof but I didn't need proof, I saw the way Yohan couldn't keep his eyes off of her and the way she wouldn't look at him at all. I wasn't stupid, my intuition was screaming something in the water wasn't clean. I snapped my fingers with a false grin"That's where I remember you. Well yes Bree is about two months pregnant and I guess we're here for a check up." Dr Hart scribbled something on her board, walked towards a cabinet and pulled out a small container. "Go ahead and pee in this cup to about here" She pointed to the black line on the container. "And you can place it in the window when you're done" Bree stood nervously, hand shaking as she reached for it. She looked to me for guidance and I nodded her towards the restroom. "I'll be right here when you get back, go ahead." Dr Hart opened the door for her and they both walked out. Bree reminded me so much of myself at this moment it was scsry. Our only difference is she wanted to keep her child, I didn't. We talked about the guy who had played a part in this and she said he was on board with it, he was staying with his parents but at least he had a job. The only thing I didn't necessarily agree with was the fact that Bree had just turned sixteen and he was twenty. She said he was her best friends older brother. One night while they were playing truth or dare, they kissed and it was history from there, Bree came over every day just trying to get a glimpse of him. I heard my phone ringing in my purse and I sighed before reaching for it. busy right. I saw it was Yohan and answered cautiously. "Hey baby?" We hadn't really talked since our argument a couple days ago. Our talks were straight to the point and short. "Ky, my parents are having a barbeque for labor day, could you be here by three?" I looked at the time on my phone, I had about two hours to finish up with Bree and head that way. I was just glad he asked me, I loved his parents and their annual cook outs. "I'll be there"
"Call me if you need me ok?" When I first got my memory back I had tried driving to the supermarket while Yohan was at work and I froze up near the sight where we had crashed. I pulled over and called him hyperventilating and we had to get my car towed back to the house. "That was weeks ago baby, I'm better now. I've driven plenty of times since then." "I can come get you Ky, they're at the beach house" That comment gave me pause, the beach house was about a hour drive, and it had so many sharp turns. "I'm good Yohan, I know I scared you that night but I'm okay now. It's not like I'm drunk" I don't know why the hell I said it, I don't even know how it slipped out, but once it was out there was no taking it back. "Yohan- "Okay well you know call me if you need me." The call disconnected before I could fully apologize. "Dammit" Bree had now walked back in the room looking like a deer caught in headlights. "You okay?" She looked at me with her big doe eyes. "Yeah I'm okay, it all just hit me at once" I nodded. "Why did you want to get an abortion Auntie Ky?" I snapped my head towards her. "I overheard dad talking about it one day." I made a mental note to slap the dog crap out if my brother when I saw him. "Who was he talking to?" I asked crossing my legs. "I think Christine." I rolled my eyes, they loved to be in my business, why did they keep bringing it up? I decided to tell her my truth because who knows what Bryce and Christine said, the only abortion we ever agreed on was Jais. "I didn't think I would be a good mother. I was young and not nearly as mature as you are right now- "So you're saying I'm ready" I shook my head, I was in no way encouraging her to do anything. "I'm telling you why I did when I did. I was immature and I wanted to focus I had just started highschool, I wanted to do what normal teenagers did. Plus" I sighed, this had to come out sooner or later. "It wasn't Uncle Yohans baby...... I didn't want him to find out" She looked shocked at first then grabbed my hand giving it a light squeeze. "You were young, we all make mistakes" That's what I was talking about, she was much more mature than younger than most girls her age. I guess it came with her being the oldest. "Enough about me, tell me about this Devin guy- She laughed loud "His name is Evan Auntie" I waved my hand. "Tomato, Tamoto." Her eyes lit up and it caused me to laugh, young love. "He's amazing, he's sweet and smart and funny. He knows I love the cheddar and caramel popcorn, but I hate the caramel part, so he took all those out before he brought it to me" She sighed and looked up dramatically. "When he kisses me I feel like the prettiest girl in the world. I love him. Daddy thinks I'm too young though" I pursed my lips. "I don't see how he feels like that, he met your mother at your age and they seem to be doing amazing to me." Her eyes widened and I immediately tried to fix it. "That doesn't mean it's like that with all relationships Bree!" I hurriedly said. "But you and Uncle Yohan have been together since you were kids. How am I not supposed to believe in young love when that's all I've been around?!" I was speechless, the kid had a point. How was I going to come up with a rebuttal against a case like that? Bree looked at me waiting for an answer. "I don't know Bree" I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Exactly, everything they're telling me not to do, they've done it. That's it, I'm definitely keeping my baby. Thanks Auntie Ky, all my doubts are gone. " My smile was small but I was screaming on the inside, her parents were going to kill me. Dr.Hart had now returned with a small portable machine in her hands. "Lay back and pull your shirt up for me Brianna, we'll be able to hear the babies heartbeat" I didn't think that was a good idea seeing as Kim definitely wasn't on bored with this, but Bree wasn't gearing it. A tear drop rolled down the side of her ear as we made out the quick distorted sound. "That's my baby" She whispered. Dr.Hart pulled a pill bottle out of her lab coat "So you're about nine weeks along. Your due date is March First, take these three times a day, you're going to run out in a few months so it's important that you refill them" Bree nodded her head in understanding. "I've scheduled you an ultrasound for next Thursday" Her eyes glowed. "I can see him or her?" Dr.Hart nodded. "Yeah it's really small so it'll probably be a blob, but it's your blob" She joked. "I'll see you next Thursday okay?" My phone buzzed in my purse Kim:How it go? I read the message and turned my phone off, she would figure it out soon enough. Bree and I were walking out ot the room when she stuck the pills in my hand and gave me the tamplet "I have to got to the restroom before we leave, hold those for me" I looked at my watch, if I left immediately I would be able to drop Bree off in time and get to Yohans parents house. I recognized her voice before I saw her and it made my skin crawl, I was hoping to avoid her. She was cracking up with a fellow doctor and I discretely rolled my eyes. I guess I was starting at her too long, because she got the feeling that someone was staring at her and her eyes landed on me. She waved at me and and smiled her eyes then made their way to the pills in my hand. I rubbed my stomach, and smiled back at her. She mouthed congratulations to me and then continued the conversation, avoiding looking in this direction. "Auntie Ky" Brees voice brought me out of my daydream and when I looked back at Dr.Pearson had disappeared. I then handed Bree her vitamins and walked us back to my car. "See you later Bree!" I honked the horn as she made her way inside, Kim and Bryce's cars were gone so I had a few more minutes of peace, hopefully.
I just wanted to enjoy my husband and his family, they had always been a second family to me, even when I didn't deserve it. I was dying to see the triplets, they were were so cute, however they're mouths were nothing to play with. I pulled in behind Yohans truck feeling the butterflies in my stomach. I hadn't been over here in forever and who knows what they knew about our situation. "Tee Tee Ky!" Speaking of the three minions they all ran to the door before I could even ring the door bell. "We saw you through the window TeeTee Ky" Mya said. I crouched down so I could hug all three of them and it instantly calmed me down. I felt like I belonged again. "Hey Mia, Tia, Bia" I gave each one a kiss on the cheek as I said there names. Most people got them confused, except for me. It use to puzzle Yohan. "How can you tell them apart, they're all the same?" He asked me one day after Mia went off on him for mistaking her for her sisters. "They're not the same, they shared a uterus, but they're personalities are definitely different. Mia was the outspoken sassy one, Tia was the know it all, and Bia was the goofy one. They all lead me into the foyer and my eyes landed on my husband. I felt like we were the only ones in the room when he looked at me. "Mrs.Green" He bit his bottom lip and I looked at the ground trying to hide my blush. "Ewww" They all murmured as he lean in to kiss me. As we cracked up, danced and played games as couples, I didn't think there was another place I would have been then with him. "I love you" I whispered against him as we walked barefoot and hugged up on the beach. He smirked at me and I knew he was ready to let out his frustrations. Dr.Pearson who?

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