Yohan Chapter 46

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"Why?" We were both dressed ready to go to my parents when I blurted it out. I wanted to tell her yesterday when I brought her home from the club, wanted to get it over with, but she locked herself in the bathroom for hours. I'm not exactly sure what was taking place, she blasted music for hours and wouldn't respond to my calls. "I think it's just best for us to part ways Ky. She turned to me while putting her diamond earrings on, the ones I bought her a few years ago "That's bull and you know it! At least be man enough to admit it Yohan, you want to be with her!" She stood up and smoothed her sweater dress out. "You really want to give all this up Yohan? Twenty years, over someone you've known less than a year! C'mon baby we grew up together" She put her hands on either side of my face forcing me to look at her. "We've known each other so long but I'm just now finding out what type of person you are." She threw her hands up in frustration. "And now we're back to square one!" "We never left square one. You just thought we could sweep it under the rug, newsflash Ky, the carpet is still lumpy!" She massaged her temples and sighed slowly. "And you got your payback so it would be nice if you would stop acting like such a wounded bird!" "Olivia was never payback! I never used her to hurt you, I would never play with her emotions to play some childish game with you" I hadn't meant for the words to sound so menacing, but my point still stood. "Fine! If you say it, then I'll believe you, but where is your sense of loyalty" I was puzzled by the question. She grabbed my hands gently "I'm your wife Yohan.....your best friend.....I was pregnant with your child What is she?!" It didn't take me long to think about

Maybe too fast. "She's the woman I'm in love with Ky" I sighed as the palm of her hand collided with my cheek. "I'm sorry...I'm not trying to disrespect you Ky." The tears pouring from her eyes were a indication that I was doing a lousy job. "So what did you think telling me that you're in love with another woman would do to me Adonis? Make me laugh, make me shout for joy?" I sighed. "No I just...I'm trying to be honest with you Ky. We don' work anymore, we're not who we were years ago! I can't do it anymore, we're not happy! You know it, I know it and a baby isn't going to change it!" She picked up a dish from the rack and threw it across the kitchen causing the glass to break into a million pieces. "But a baby makes you want to be with her? Do you know how hypocritical you sound right now?" I ran my hands down the side of my face. "That's not why I want to be with her." Ky started to walk away and I felt my heart break with each step she took, this is not how I was trying to end it. "What are you doing?" I asked when she pulled up a chair and sat directly in front of me. "Tell me...why do you want to be with her Yohan? Tell me what she has that I don't!" I shook my head grabbing my keys. "I'm not about to do this with you Ky!" She jumped up blocking my path. "We are about to do this! You don't get to just say you want to leave over some doctor whore and I can't fight for my marriage Yohan!" "I don't want to fight with you anymore K, baby I'm tired. Aren't you tired?" Although she shook her head stubbornly, I could tell she knew exactly how I was feeling. "What is is! Is it because she has a bigger booty then me? Because her breast don't slightly hang, or maybe it's her hair! I can cut my hair Yohan! I can die it blonde too." Looking at her waist length curls I couldn't imagine her cutting it off. She was the first one to dread my hair up, and we grew our manes together. I snatched her towards me and held her as her body shook tremedously. "Ky shhh, don't cry. Please don't cry. Let's not talk about it anymore. She gently pushed me away pain evident on her face. "We have to talk about it because obviously you're confused. You don't know what you want" She got that look in her eye. "I know what you want Yohan" Her hands found there way to my zipper she don't make you feel like I do baby." I put a little distance between us I wasn't trying to confuse the situation. "Ky I need you hear me when I'm talking to you" She nodded her head slim fingers back on my zipper, If you blinked you would have missed it, I gripped the counter with both hands trying to keep my balance. "Kyyy" I hissed as she made me disappear in her mouth. Her humming caused me grip her hair a little tighter than I wanted to. "Wait....Kiyanna" My eyes rolled in the back of my head as she took me deeper. Her mouth felt like an incubator mixed with a vacum cleaner. "She can't make you feel like this Yohan...you're confused baby I know. I know I hurt you" Between her talking she would lick and slurp and kiss and I couldn't even focus on what she was saying. "I love you Yohan....I love you so much and I'm going to make it up to you, baby I promise." She slowly slid my member out of it's new found home and hopped on the island, showing me her prized possesion. "You never did like it when I wore underwear......Come get it" She whispered. DING DONG! I didn't know whether to be relieved or upset at the unexpected guest. "Just a minute" I panicked trying to fix my slacks. Ky ran to the bathroom to freshen up I presume and to put on some underwear.
I took a few deep breaths hoping I didn't have guilty written all of my face and swung the door open. "Son!" My mother smiled broadly as she enveloped me in her arms. One by one more family members hopped out of the car and greeted me, even Jai and Bryce were standing there laughing and teasing each other. Kim on the other hand was looking like somone spit in her hair. "What are you guys doing here? Not that I don't appreciate it, but I'm just surprised." My entire house was filled with our family and I couldn't stop grinning if you paid me. It had been a while since we came together like this. My mother was the first to say somehting. "We were all thinking and it's really patheic how close we all were and now we can't even pick up the phone to call each other" It was true, We spent every holiday and birthday togehter for years. Jai and Bryce were my siblings and Rico was Ky's. "So here we are?" I looked around my house, there was only enough food to feed a handful of people. My mother must have caught my nonsense because she shooed me away. "Oh please, we're going out to eat. I didn't feel like cooking anyway" I nodded my head, this day was turning out better and better. "Where's Kiyanna?" My mother said which followed around the room like an echo. "Oh she's in the bathroom, she'll be out in a second" My mother nodded. "Trust me I know what that's like, I had two boys" My face was a mixture of pain and horror until I realized what she was talking about. "Oh yeah...the morning sickness" After a few more minutes Ky came out looking more refreshed and beautiful, was that even possible?
"Not today.... okay? Everybody is happy, we're enjoying ourselves. We'll figure it out..... we'll talk about it...... Just not today." We had just pulled up to my mother's favorite restaurant and Ky's hand stopped me before I could get out. I nodded my head wordlessly. "Thank you" Her voice quivered. I hopped out the car and jogged to Ky's side to let her out. She placed her hand in mine when something or someone caught my eye. "P! I ain't know you were going to be here man! I thought you were half way in Jamaica somewhere" It was a good time everytime I saw my brother. We linked up at the bar a few nights ago for a short while, so I was too excited he didn't go ghost on me. He grinned slightly and shook his head. "I couldn't dip so close to Thanksgiving cuz, especially now that I'm here I'm going to be a Godfather" "Hell yeah, my soldiers did always March a bit better than yours" I did a weak flex before we both burst out laughing. "Nah ou definitely got it boss, with two baby momma's around the same time. C'mon pimp, I didn't even know you got down like that" It was like someone dropped a glass in the middle of a library. "P" I snapped. His eyes followed Ky who simply sighed and walked into the restaurant. He put his hand up defensively. "My bad bro, I wasn't thinking. You know how you and I get" I nodded my head, although I was still pissed off at him, P meant no harm. He wasn't like that, he was like my second brother. "I'll straighten it out bro" I did our signature hand shake, thanking him before we both walked into the restaurant. "Party of twenty" I heard my mother say while the triplets danced around her ankles. It warmed my entire body, I couldn't wait for that. Ky still was MIA, but so was Parish so I said a silent thanks to God for blessing me with someone like him. Each and and everytime I wasn't able to get to Ky, or I had to work or whatever the case was, Parish came through. I don't know what they use to talk about, but she always came back home apologizing. Rico and I were having a friendly competition on who could beat who in an arm wrestling contest. "Mama tell him he's not strong, he's fat. He has a whole dad bod." Rico gasped dramatically and lightly slapped me like we were in a Spanish novela. We were all cracking up, by the time we looked up, our table was ready. Ky and Parish hadn't came back yet and I was starting to get worried, but at the same time I couldn't have my cake and eat it too. Couldn't say I didn't want to be with her and then still get upset when she angry with me. I started walking towards the bathroom when I saw her. She had the meanest scowl on her face, but it never took away her beauty, not for one second. The way her tan wrap around dress hugged her curves was enough to have me checking my chin for drool. Her stomach was on full display and I don't think I've ever seen her look more beautiful then today. I saw her someone whisper something in her ear and she looked like she had seen a ghost. I waved politely, only to regret my actions a millisecond later. I don't think I was suppose to have a peaceful drama free life, matter of fact I know I wasn't, because there was no mistaking Ky in her fire red dress heading my way. She stopped right in front of me "How cute? Whole sister wives thing going on." My stomach immediately started to hurt, her family was looking and my nosy family couldn't tear there eyes away either. "Ky please" I whispered, I didn't want to cause a scene. I looked back at Olivia and she walked over to her table, it looked like she was gathering her things to go. I knew it was selfish, I knew it was catastrophic, but my heart ached at the thought of her leaving. "No! I'm sick of being nice. I don't have it in me anymore to pretend like she isn't carrying your baby Yohan! I'm pretty sure she's not a ho, she doesn't carry herself like one at least. Meaning there's a strong possibility that she's carrying your child! I wanted to have a good time, but kind of impossible now!" I grabbed her arm somewhat discretely, I didn't expect her to snatch it away, and I damn sure didn't expect her to walk towards her table.

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