Nudes. / / / Part 7

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I open my phone to a message from my boyfriend, Craig Tucker.

From Craig -

"Hey babyyy, I'm lonely and horny, send some pictures?"

To Craig -

"Craig! Are you underaged drinking?!"

From Craig-

"No, I just want some pictures of you! I'll send some."

To Craig-

"What type of pictures do you want?"

From Craig. -

"Sexy pictures!"

I re-read that message, should I? I love Craig and everything but, I'm not that confident with my body and everything so I'm not sure, I was broken from my thoughts by a photo message from Craig.

I open it to see his dick, I feel my face become red and my blood leave my head, he's, he's giant.

From Craig. -

"Your turn babe. ;)"

To Craig. -

"Ok. . . I'm not as big though."

I send a picture hoping he doesn't hate it, I tried but I'm worrying he doesn't like it, what if he breaks up with me! What if this causes him to hate me! I get another message

From Craig. -

"Hot, I'm getting hard looking at it."

To Craig. -

"Thanks, Craig."

I hear someone knock on the door. 'Honey, come down for dinner!' Oh yeah, tonight I have to tell them I'm gay, I forgot. I walk downstairs and smile thinking. "I hope they take the news as good and not bad." Tweek sits down with the table seat, Tweek says. 'Mum, dad.' They look up from there food and smile. 'Yes, son?' Dad said with curiosity, I say getting anxious. 'I, I'm,'

I continue. 'I'm, I'm gay.' Dad looks at me and smiles. 'Gay? Well isn't that great!' Mum smiles. 'Our beautiful boy! I'm so happy you're able to accept yourself!' I smile. 'Thanks mum, dad. . .' They ask. 'Is there anyone that you're interested in?' I smile. 'Well. . . I am dating someone. . .' I blush thinking of the photo Craig sent me.

Dad asks quickly. 'Who is the lucky boy?' I smile. 'Um. . .Craig. . .Craig Tucker.' Mum quickly says. 'You two? Together again?! But this time for real?' I nod. 'Yeah, we're dating, for real this time.' Mum smiles. 'He'll have to come over sometime.' I nod continuing dinner, I wonder how Craig is going.

Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

Best friends. . .Or more? / / / Creek/ / /Craig X TweekWhere stories live. Discover now