Chapter 5: Possible pups?!

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Ethan's Pov:
"Thanks for the food Mrs. Wolfe, it was delicious"

"Oh, it was nothing dear, and you do know you can call me Mom." She smiled, causing me to blush darkly. I could fear Damien's glare, and I knew his mother could as well, as she was smirking smugly at him, as she softly patted my cheek.

"Oh, um also Mrs-Mom, c-can you not upset Damien? It scares me when he's mad." Damien let out a soft whine, staring at me sadly( A.n, don't be a bitch damien)
She laughed warmly, providing me with a sense of relief, slightly calming me. "You're a little angel Ethan, I think I'm gonna enjoy having you around here. I best be heading off to bed, have a good night sweetheart.

"W-wait, um, I kinda have a question for you real quick," I asked, a blush starting to creep onto my cheeks.

"Go ahead sweetie, ask me anything."

"Well, I was kind of wondering what you meant by the whole 'fertile' thing"

"Oh, well, I think it might be better if Damien explained it to you. Don't worry, it's nothing bad, if that's what your thinking, it's just something you might want to discuss with your mate"

"Oh, okay. Thanks M-Mom, have a good night, see you tomorrow"

With a quick goodnight she was gone, and I was left with Damien. Grabbing my hand, he lead me upstairs. As we headed to his room, I couldn't help but think of the worst case scenarios,I mean, he had been awfully quiet.

It wasn't until we were both seated on his bed with the door closed that he began talking.

Damien's Pov:
  "Okay, so this may come as a shock to you, but...well, you can get pregnant." He proceeded to furrow his eyes in confusion, and try to stutter out another question. God he was so damn cute.
"Okay, let me elaborate a bit for you"


"So basically, there are 3 types of males A,B, and C. A's are just regular men who can get a women pregnant and what not, they're your typical man. B's are men who can get both women and men pregnant, they're typically attracted to males however, and can be very aggressive/protective of their chosen partners whether they be C or not. Lastly are C's, male's capable of becoming pregnant, they like A's however, can get women pregnant. You are a C."

"Oh, I...I okay, I...I'm-?"

"At a loss for words, don't worry, it's okay"

"Well, I guess we will be able to produce doesn't mean I want to just yet" His whole face spotted his typical pink blush and I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable he is.

Pulling him close, he bagan to calm down as I nuzzled his neck. "Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time for that later"

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