Sad Times

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Ethan's POV

I was so upset. A random wolf decided to come onto my alpha and I was being punished! I sat on the couch, pouting, the whores blood still on my hands and pants. I listening to Damien get onto me. " She thought I needed help sexually, granted it was a bad idea but you shouldn't be so upset."
" I shouldn't be upset?! SHE came onto MY MATE and I shouldn't be upset?!" I snapped. " I may be just a rabbit, Damien but you need to know I can hurt people." With that I stormed out.  I went into the garden area, watering the carrots and other veggies.

Damien's POV
    I ran a hand through my hair. My beta patted my shoulder. " I know Damien but, he had a valid reason. Shifter law states if someone tries to have sexual acts with an already claimed partner, the shifters mate can use violence. " He pointed out.
" I know but... He could of gotten seriously hurt and I don't think I could live with myself if my mate got hurt because of me..." I admitted.
My beta sighed loudly. " Just tell him that you moron! He's your mate and deserves to know." With that, he left me in my office, blood still on the floor from my mate trying to murder an Omega. I worked for a bit before deciding to find Ethan.
  I took a stroll around the pack grounds, finding him carefully removing weeds from a plant bed. " Ethan?" I called gently, startling him.

Ethan's POV
      I was removing weeds from the plant bed when I hear Damien call my name, almost timidly. I jumped a bit and turned around, looking up while covering my eyes from the sun. " Yes alpha?"

" I know I messed up, taking her side basically but I want you to know." He took my face in his hands. " I only want you. You may have been... Hurt, by that man but you are mine, forever and always." He murmured, before getting on one knee.
  The action made tears well up into my eyes Almost immediately. " She tried Because of the fact we haven't mated but I know you aren't ready so Ethan, will you marry me first?" He opened the little box, showing a beautiful silver and gold ring with a diamond in the shape of a carrot with emeralds acting as the top. I let out a gross, Cry laugh. " Yes Damien. Always!"

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