.•Chapter 11•.

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I wanna say I'm really sorry for not updating much and also thank you so much for 10k reads on this book I wanna say I'm really grateful and enjoy the chapter!!!

"I don't have a house because it was destroyed along time ago."
She then tells me
"ok fine I'll let you, but only if you tell what it what it was you just did."
I respond with "I'm sorry but I can't."
She puffs up her cheeks and pouts at my answer, I tell her "I'm sorry" and the whole way to her house she was mad at me. We went inside being annoyed of the whole in the roof but where else would we go. We lagged down me being tired of the i just had.
Serena POV
I'm really angry at Ash for not telling me what that thing was!! And I can't believe I'm still letting him stay.
Time-skip (1 week Ash POV)
I'm trying in I think hyperbolic time chamber where I get stronger when it feels like more time, I hope it doesn't end up to bad cause i never wanted to be like this in the first place, I don't know much about my self either it's all just secrets kept from me. Almost all my life many hidden experiments were made on me and still not able to find out what I have it's strange.
?????? POV
Just to make sure if your really something i will send the strongest and evilest creature to end you, and if it doesn't I will be the on to ruin your life. I will finally get pay back for what you did all those years ago, and I'm not alone I have my brother with me. "We Will Destroy You."
I run out outside of the house and see the giant Giratina standing outside and he is looking directly at me. I right away ask arceus for power, my eyes turn grey my hair stands up and the aura is around me but this time it feels different I feel more in control of it. The giratina lifts its giant wings and blasts come down from them all headed towards me. I jump up making the blasts follow hear towards giratina and jump making the plays hit it instead. It screams out I flip and head back to the ground trying a full power kick. Flying at the speed of light I hit giratina in the back, but that's when things went down hill he started glowing and became way bigger and stronger, he became the ultimate evil.

 Flying at the speed of light I hit giratina in the back, but that's when things went down hill he started glowing and became way bigger and stronger, he became the ultimate evil

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(Fan made mega Giratina)
I look at him but after a second 6 portals open Behind me all tempting to hit me. Just barely able to dodge the other 5, 1 was able to hit me making me fly the other direction with a stab wound. I hit the building and can't move my body is paralyzed, My whole body hurts and Giratina is charging a blast at me and it seems to be all over for me it's literally right next to me, I close my eyes and accept my fate. Suddenly I hear red, yellow and Serena yelling to me to not give up. First time I get motivated by Serena am I right, I get up release my full power into one punch and fly full speed to the beast. While we clash a huge explosion happens.
To be continued...

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