A Murder Of Crows {6}

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                I laid on my bed, hands behind my head and staring up at the ceiling. I'd sent Brayden the message to meet at the parking lot tomorrow, using the Doctor's current signature so he knew the message was legit.

                The Doctor changed his signature fairly often, but his customers always knew what it was. Not that anyone would ever dare to cross the Doctor if they had half a damn brain. He'd made it quite clear what happened to anyone who tried to betray him and sell him or his people out to the cops.

                I pushed those thoughts from my mind and checked the time, squinting until the numbers were readable. I got out of bed and grabbed a towel and my shower stuff, leaving the room and heading down to the bathroom.

                Kids moved groggily through the hallways, getting ready for class. I pulled one of the shower curtains over and turned the water on, stripping out of my clothes and stepping under the spray of warm water.

                Val had been kind enough not to annoy the shit out of me last night, so I'd gotten ahead on my work to make time for tomorrow. Kieran would snap my neck if I wasn't fully focused on my part of his idiotic plan.

                When I was done showering, I wrapped the towel around my waist, brushed my teeth, and left the bathroom to go back to my room. Val had gotten me in the hopeless habit of locking my door anytime I was in my room, so I clicked the lock into place and yanked open my closet door.

                It was raining lightly outside, and I wondered if we could use the shitty weather this week to our advantage. If it was raining hard enough tomorrow, it would make it even harder for anyone to spot what Kieran was doing in the parking lot. Plus, people wouldn't be walking around outside, so there'd be less chance of someone just happening to stumble upon the scene.

                I pulled on shorts, a white T-shirt, and my dark blazer, fixing my hair in the mirror. I put my sunglasses on, relieved as my vision cleared up and I could see properly.

                I gathered my stuff and left my room. Some kids had jackets on over their blazers, hoods pulled up. Some had umbrellas, squeezing under them with their friends as they left the building.

                It was hardly even raining, though. Sure, the building we were headed to was a little bit of a walk, but it was just rain. It wasn't going to hurt.

                The rain suddenly stopped hitting me and I looked over. Val smiled cheerfully, moving closer to make room for Cole to fit under her umbrella with us.

                "It's rain," I said. "I don't need an umbrella."

                "You're going to get sick. You're wearing shorts!" she said, gesturing to my legs.

                "I'm fine. It's not that cold out," I said. "The cold just weakens your immune system, which makes you more susceptible to getting sick. I'm warm enough, I'm not going to get sick, and it's too early to be dealing with you."

                "Strong friendship going here, I see," Cole said.

                "I'm still his favorite," Val said.

                "I don't even have a favorite, but if I did, it wouldn't be you," I said.

                Val pulled her umbrella away so that the rain was falling on me again. "Suffer."

                I held my hand out, a few drops hitting my palm. "It's rain. I'm not suffering."

                It was good. I'd checked the weather, and it was supposed to rain pretty hard all day tomorrow. That would give Kieran some cover.

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