A Murder Of Crows {18}

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                Two days was all it took to realize just how absolutely, royally, impossibly fucked we were.

                The security had been increased, and their guard rotations had widened to make sure no one was sneaking on or off campus. Students were allowed to leave campus, of course, but only by signing out so they were accounted for. Anyone caught trying to sneak off would be taken to the headmaster's office.

                The Crows were still encouraging students to come forward, but I was guessing several already had. Jamison seemed more tired, but also more confident lately.

                Kieran had called the Doctor to report the status of the Academy, and told us that the Doctor was not pleased. He was sending out a different Collector while Kieran was trapped here, and though Kieran didn't say it outright, I had a feeling the Doctor was threatening him to come up with a fix to this problem.

                It was bad.

                Kieran didn't have a source of income anymore, and no way to sneak on and off campus. Val also did some digging and found out the Academy was setting up more security cameras to cover blind spots the security patrols might miss.

                We were all doing our best to act casual about the situation. I was worried about Kieran getting caught, though. Would he eventually slip out our names if they caught him?

                Honor for honor, that was what I was relying on. So I'd told Kieran about Jamison coming to my room, making sure it was very clear that I had the opportunity to sell Kieran out but hadn't.

                Now, the four of us sat at our lunch table, none of us speaking. Val seemed at ease, but Kieran and Mia were clearly lost in thought.

                "There's got to be a way," Mia said at last, looking up at Kieran. "I know it's risky, but I can try to get money for you."

                "Don't bother. I bet they've already warned your dad to keep an eye on his account. And you know Caleb won't lend you any money," Kieran said, ignoring the flash of anger on Mia's face.

                "Couldn't you tell Darby not to talk to any of the Crows, then?" Mia said.

                "That would just make me look even more suspicious," Kieran said. "If I start acting weird, Darby will tell my dad, and he's already pissed about me hitting Cor. He'll have the headmaster call me in, or one of the counselors. It'll just bring more attention to me."

                "Who's Darby?" I said. If she was a factor in this situation, I needed to know.

                "She..." Kieran hesitated lightly. "Darby helps my family."

                "So what does she have to do with this?" I said.

                Kieran rubbed his temples. "She told Jamison's family about me sending money home. If the Heitor family runs into her again and I'm off schedule for sending money, she'll mention it if they ask. She doesn't know where I really get it from. She thinks I tutor on campus, and do various work around the Academy."

                "And your dad never questioned this?" I said.

                Kieran shook his head. "He's on navy deployment. I told him the same lie I told Darby when I sent money home."

                "What, are your mom didn't catch on either?" Val, laughing a little at the dirty look Kieran shot her. "Just a joke. Calm down, Kier."

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