A Murder Of Crows {22}

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                I cracked my eyes open, my ears sore. I reached up and realized I'd fallen asleep with my sunglasses on. I pushed them up slightly to rub the sleep out of my eyes before letting them drop back down.

                I turned and realized I was on my bed. Jamison was asleep, body turned away from me, only the slightest space between the two of us.

                Of course. We'd kissed for a while before falling asleep. I stared at Jamison's back, wondering when it had become this. When I let my guard drop enough to fall asleep with him in my room. When it didn't feel strange to wake up next to him.

                I checked the time, realizing how early it was. I carefully got out of bed and gathered clean clothes, leaving the room.

                After showering and brushing my teeth, I went back to my room. Jamison hadn't so much as shifted, his shoulders still rising and falling with the ease of deep sleep.

                I sat at my desk, keeping myself positioned so I could see Jamison out of the corner of my eye. If he got up, I'd know, but I wasn't staring directly at him like a creep while he slept.


                I'd never really pictured myself in a relationship. Sure, I'd found boys attractive, but I'd never wanted to date one. None of them had held my interest long enough for that kind of desire.

                But Jamison.

                Jamison Heitor. He was an enigma, a contradiction, a mystery I just couldn't solve. The more I learned, the less I understood.

                But I wanted to understand. I wanted to understand so damn bad it made my chest ache.

                He was a vicious cycle of existence. His emotions overrode his logic, which led him to hurt people he loved to protect people he didn't know. He was passionate, but that passion burned out his morals. He wanted to do good, but he was willing to be bad to achieve that.

                He could've used me to get to Kieran, and I'm sure that had been his intention at the start. But he was trying to save me from Kieran now. He wanted to protect me, and I didn't know what along the way had twisted his intentions from cold to pure.

                Did it matter in the end, though? Jamison might come across as two-faced, but the more I got to know him, the more I realized that he just naturally had many conflicting sides that made him who he was. It's not that he was necessarily hiding any of it; it just slipped out with his moods, a natural progression. That would be like saying I was two-faced if I smiled one minute and got angry about something the next.

                There was a vibrating noise and I turned my head. Jamison groggily sat up, patting his pockets until he pulled his phone out.

                "Hello?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "What? No, I..." He seemed to snap awake, looking around my room. He checked the time and cursed quietly. "No, I fell asleep in Cor's room. I didn't have an alarm set. I'll meet you guys for breakfast. Sorry, Cole. Yea, see you in a bit."

                He hung up and ran a hand through his hair, trying to fix his bedhead. He looked over at me, giving me an apologetic smile.

                "Sorry I fell asleep in here," he said.

                "Why are you apologizing? If I didn't wake you up and kick you out, I obviously wasn't against it," I said.

                "Are you flirting with me? It's hard to tell with you," he said.

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