A Murder Of Crows {3}

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                I got dressed the next day, buttoning up my black blazer. Crowe Academy's uniforms were mostly black, and sharp as hell. With my black shorts and black blazer, I looked a lot classier than I actually was.

                I put my sunglasses on and fixed my hair. Val's words were ringing in my head, and I was trying to keep my cool.

                If something was going to happen today, I'd just have to endure it and make sure no one suspected me of being involved in any of this. That was the important thing.

                So I slung my bag over my shoulder and left the dorm, making my way down the path to class. Had Val warned Kieran and Mia that something was going to happen today? Or had I been the only one she'd given a heads-up to?

                I entered first period and looked over at Kieran and Mia. Kieran was reading a book and Mia was on her phone, neither looking concerned. Maybe Val hadn't warned them. Oh, man, she'd be dead if they found out she'd known something and hadn't told them.

                I took my seat and looked around the room, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. I forced my attention to my notebook, flipping it open to a clean page. I had to stop looking for whatever was going to happen. That was only going to make me anxious, and then I wouldn't be able to properly react to whatever it was.

                "Hey, everyone, settle down," Mr. Ferrick said, entering the room. Kids started to take their seats and he waited until everyone was sitting and quiet. "Now, I have an announcement."

                I waited, noticing the way Kieran and Mia were suddenly paying attention to Mr. Ferrick. The door opened and we all looked over at the boy entering the room. I didn't miss the way Kieran's expression darkened. Judging by the fact that the boy was watching Kieran, I was guessing he didn't miss it either.

                Mr. Ferrick looked over. "Ah, there you are! I was just about to tell the class. Everyone, this is Jamison Heitor. He'll be transferring into our class, and probably into most of your rotations. Some of you might already know him from around the school. He's a member of the Academy's Crows. Please, be polite and help him if he needs to borrow any notes to catch up to where we are."

                I raised an eyebrow. A member of the Academy's Crows was a light way to put his position, considering the fact that Jamison Heitor was the president of the Crows.

                So that's what Val had known. She knew he was transferring into our rotation, probably to keep an eye on Kieran in classes.

                Jamison smiled politely and took a seat when Mr. Ferrick gestured to an empty desk. Kids snuck looks at him, some whispering to each other.

                The Academy had six class periods with a lunch break in the middle. The classes were for grades 9 through 12, and were broken into smaller rotations so teachers could work with their students better. It wasn't common to switch someone into a new rotation at this point in the year, meaning Jamison had probably asked for it.

                Our rotation didn't have any of the Crows in it until now. That made sense, though. As far as I knew, only two of the Crows were seniors, Jamison being one of them.

                I also took note of where Jamison was sitting. His desk was towards the back, where he'd be able to see the rest of the class, including Kieran, Mia, and myself.

                Mr. Ferrick started teaching, and I tried to pay attention to the lesson. But my gaze kept drifting to Jamison, glad for my sunglasses so he wouldn't notice.

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