Ramadān Qur'an Gem 7 {3: 133-134} : "Characteristics of Al-Muttaqun, part 1

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They spend (in Allah’s cause) in times of prosperity and adversity.” [3:134]


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Characteristics of Al-Muttaqun, The People of Taqwa (Part 1)

Race with one another towards Forgiveness from your Lord & towards Paradise as wide as the heavens & the earth, prepared for Al-Muttaqun. Those who spend [in Allah’s Cause] in prosperity & in adversity…

{Surat Ali ‘Imran 3: Verse 133-134}

⚫️In the passage from ayat 133 until 136, Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala) begins on how the people of taqwa would run towards Jannah & after describing their characteristics, Allah tells us that they will earn Jannah. Their characteristics are so important, that they are sandwiched between the mentioning of Paradise!

⚫️It’s easy to give during ease. But during difficult times, we would say: Insha Allah, I’ll give when I’m in a better position. The first characteristic of Al-Muttaqun is that they spend in Allah’s cause during both ease AND difficult times.

⚫️Spend in what? Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala) does not specify, so it can include our wealth, energy, time, priorities, planning etc. Sometimes, it’s hard to convince ourselves to give during difficulties. Reflect on these gems:

1.Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala) mentions:

‘Whoever has taqwa of Allah, He (Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala) will make a way out for him from any difficulty & provide him from sources he could never imagine”

{Surat At-Talaq 65: Verse 2-3}

2.In another ayat, Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala) says:

‘Whatever good that we spend for the Cause of Allah, they will be refunded back to us & we will not be wronged.     

{Surat Al-Anfal 8: Verse 60}

3.Our beloved Rasulallah  (Salallahu Aleyhi Wasallam) also promised us that charity does not in any way decrease our wealth. {Sahih Muslim}

⚫️Have confidence in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala)  that whenever we give for His Cause, they will be returned to us.

Maymun ibn Mihran once said, “I give in charity & find that my wealth increases.”

So one of his companions gave in charity as well & said, “I’ve given in charity but have found that my wealth decreases!”

Maymun then said, “I deal with my Lord with full certainty & you do so by testing Him!”


Gems extracted from Characteristics of the People of Jannah by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan.

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