Ramadān Qur'an Gem 12 {12:22}: "Youth's Maturity"

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Perfection of Allah’s ihsan- He allows His slave to taste the bitterness of the break

Perfection of Allah’s ihsan- He allows His slave to taste the bitterness of the break

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Youth’s Maturity

And when he (Yusuf A.S.) attained his full manhood, We gave him wisdom & knowledge (the Prophethood), thus We reward the Muhsinun.

{Surat Yusuf 12: Verse 22}

⚫️In Islam, the moment we hit puberty we’re considered & will be judged as an adult before Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala) So even if everyone treats us like a kid, or no matter how much the world is convinced that youths are impulsive by nature, Allah expects us to be mature; to make sound & good decision & to think ahead of the impact of my action today in the future.

⚫️ The ayat above is an essence of a young person’s ideal personality. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala) describes Yusuf (Alaysalaam)  that when he became older, he reached firm age (أَشُدَّهُ) & “shadda” means to tie something tight. What it literally means is that he a.s. reached the age where he can truly control himself. Allah gave him the ability to make good decision (حُكۡمً۬ا). Linguistically, the word ‘hukum’ means making a choice where one thinks about the consequences in the future.

⚫️ Then the very next ayat describes that he was put in a situation where he was tested. All of us know that Yusuf (Alaysalaam) was a very good looking man & this woman (who was also very beautiful according to scholars) tried to seduce him. They were in a locked up room; no one else was there. What did Yusuf (Alaysalaam) do? He IMMEDIATELY remembered Allah. This is ihsan.

⚫️ This is not just a story in the past, it’s our story today. How many youths have been tempted? How many of us have been approached by guys who think you’re pretty & asked for your number? We all have the ability to choose, to make good sound judgment, but what decision will we make at that time?

⚫️ We will be tempted & the biggest of them all will be the temptation to be shameless. It could be something on the mobile device, or a person at school or work – it’s going to happen and it will happen. Just like Yusuf (Alaysalaam), we have to learn to be mature. Deal with it by controlling ourselves. Be a person of ihsan.

Remember Allah.

And walk away.


Gems & reflections inspired from “Youth – Impulsiveness, Temptation & Responsibility” khutbah by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan.

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