Ramadān Qur'an Gem 23 {25:74-75}: "Favorite dua, coolness of our eyes"

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Coolness of our eyes

Who Gets Allah’s Mercy? – Last Part

Please refer to the previous post for the first seven categories of Ibad-ur Rahman.

Last category #8:

And those who say: “Our Lord! Bestow on us from our spouses & our offspring the comfort of our eyes & make us leaders for the Muttaqun (pious).”

{Surat Al-Furqan 25: Verse 74}

•In this du’a we ask Allah for the unexpected gift from our spouses and children to be the coolness of our eyes. We ask Allah for tears of joy: when we look at our children who loves to recite the Quran, when the husband looks at his wife at how she raises their children, when the wife looks at the husband who wakes up their children for Fajr and takes them to the masjid – it makes us so happy that it makes us cry.

•But like any du’a, we also have to put in effort ourselves. We cannot simply lie lazily in bed and ask “Ya Rabb, make me one who establishes the prayer” and expect our body to be lifted up for salat. We have to spend time and effort to fix our family.
To the parents – The biggest priority all of us have is the Islam of our children. But parenting was different 20 – 40 years ago. Now we have to be both friends & authorities with our children. We will not be able to instill the love of Islam and taqwa of Allah if we continuously yell at them and by not becoming their friend.

•To the wives – there is enough fitnah outside. Smile to your husband. Dress up for your husband, not for the public. Your husband should find beauty in you, not anywhere else. To the husbands – stop complaining about everything your wife does. Give compliments to her. When we’re good parents and spouses, Insha Allah so will our children. Everybody who has a household is an imam. We want to be imam and leaders of the muttaqun.

•And this passage ends with: Those will be rewarded with the highest place (in Paradise) because of their patience.
Therein they shall be met with greetings & the word of peace & respect.

{Surat Al-Furqan 25: Verse 75}

Each of these qualities requires sabr, i.e. patience & consistency. It means that when we take one of these qualities, it is for a lifetime.May Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’aala) make us truly ibad-ur-Rahman.

Gems extracted from “Who Gets Allah’s Mercy?” lecture by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan.

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