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No one ever sees Hobi angry, who could ever make our little sunshine mad? (Y/N) apparently could. With Hope World released, Hoseok now feels pressure to be an even better artist. He pushed his boyfriend away and has now gone way too far.


(Y/N) P.O.V.

"Hobi, get out of our room, at least unlock the door." No one answered my calls. I found the key to our bedroom and unlocked it the door, opening it. Hoseok was sitting in the floor, aggressively writing down some lyrics.  "Sunshine, you have to stop pushing me away, we've talked about this."

"Get out, I'm stressed, I'll hurt you."

"You won't." I took a step closer to my boyfriend laying in the floor.

"I said get out!" Hoseok raised his voice, towering over me as he stood up.

"You can't scare me, Hobi." My lie shook with nervousness.

3rd P.O.V.

Hobi pinned (Y/N) down, fear coursing through his boyfriend's veins. A slap was delivered to each cheek of (Y/N), tears now streaming down his face. The male could smell alcohol on his breath lover's breath. He had been drinking? No one, not even (Y/N) had seen him stressed enough to drink the problems away. Hobi got off of (Y/N), reality hitting him, hard. He stayed silent as tears ran down his face in streams. (Y/N) ran to the bathroom, immediately grabbing razor blades and sleeping pills. He looked in the mirror, the same two words repeating in his mind. "Never again" He ran a bath, cleaning the blades before slicing them across the smooth skin he possessed. Bright red stained the floor and dripped into the water as as (Y/N) opened the bottle of sleeping pills.He made sure to slice his arms deep, hitting more than one vein. He took as many pills as he could. In less than 10 minutes he was dead. By now, J-Hope began to feel sober again, and when he noticed the closed bathroom door, he knocked. No answer. His mind raced with countless ideas of what (Y/N) could have done. Hoseok opened the door to find the gruesome scene in front of him. "no...NO!"

*End of the flashback*

(Y/N) P.O.V. {Present}

Hoseok keeps twisting and turning in his sleep. He keeps murmuring 'no' and 'I'm sorry'. I got tired of it and woke him up. "Sunshine...Wake up." I lightly shook him. 

He woke up with a jolt, his eyes were swallowed with fear. He quietly turned to me. "(Y/N)?"

"Yes, I"m here, what happened, Baby?"

"I-I went off on you, you killed yourself, I hurt you like all the others...It was awful."

"I'm here baby, you just need to rest. You've been really stressed out lately. You overwork yourself." I held him in my arms to calm him down from his nightmare, now kind of upset he even dare begin to bring up what I have been through in the past. J-Hope nodded and rested his head on my chest. I'm normally the one to be comforted when something happens, but this actually makes me feel useful. I whispered and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Hobi."

"I love you too,  (Y/N)." And with that final sentence he fell asleep again.

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