Panic Attack//Yoongi

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{Imagine Jimin in the picture as you. TRIGGER WARNING}

3rd P.O.V.

Yoongi was in a meeting, really not wanting to pay any mind to it; but knowing his luck they would ask for his ideas right as he zones out. As if his dreams came true, he got a text from a particular alien boy in the maknae line.


Hyung, (Y/N) isn't okay. He needs you.


What is going on? I'm in a damn meeting right now you fool.


(Y/N) locked himself in his room and I hear crying. It sounds like he can't breath.  Kind of like a panic attack..

Yoongi cursed himself, wondering why his asshole side always had to come out when he was working or doing something he felt was important.


Do you think he would answer me if I texted him?


Maybe, he won't answer to any of us here at the house..


I'll handle it from here.

Yoongi decided to text (Y/N), getting almost no response. It took 30 minutes to get a response. It was disorganized and it was obvious something was wrong.


Hyung. I can't breath. My chest hurts. I can't stop shaking. I don't know what to do right now. It feels like I can't move.

Yoongi texted him ways to get calm but none of them seemed to work. He rushed to the dorm and took out the spare key to the bedroom that they shared and once he opened the door  he seen (Y/N) curled up in a ball on the floor. Silent tears were streaming down the panicked boy's face and he was shaking uncontrollably. He looked like he ha just seen the worst thing ever possible. Yoongi carefully walked over to his younger lover, trying not to scare him or make this sudden panic attack worse than it already was. "Hey...Baby?"

(Y/N)'s voice was raspy and cracky. It could barely be heard. "Yoongi?"

Yoongi's heart shattered once he heard the voice of his lover. "Baby, can you sit up for me?" Suga squatted and offered to help (Y/N) up. The younger male sat up with the help of Yoongi, but his breathing just got worse. "Shhh. Breath in and hold your breath for 3 seconds and let it out for 3 seconds, Baby."

Yoongi rubbed the other male's back. "I-It hurts." (Y/N) hiccuped. "I just r-randomly felt terror and-nd fe-ll to the ground..." A heart -shattering sob left the mouth of (Y/N).

Yoongi continued to discuss grounding with the other male in order to calm him down. They stayed in the floor for almost 4 hours, until Yoongi finally convinced his boyfriend to get up. They walked around while the other member of Bangtan worried and looked at (Y/N), who looked like a zombie after the terrible panic attack he just went through. 

Yoongi and his lover went back to their shared room and sat down, (Y/N) lying on his older lover. They watched YouTube until the younger one of the two fell sleep and then it was a sign to go to bed for the entire house hold of idols.

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