Chapter 4 (Morgan)

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Morgan's POV

"Hi my name is Morgan, I was born and raised in the sunny state of Florida, as Cierra said, we met on this virtual game, she's not the only friend I got from there. But she's my sister. and I love her. so.. yeah."  I smiled shyly. After that, Luke walked over to me. "Hey again" He chuckled. "Aloha" I giggled. "So you wanna stay over?" He smiled. "sure" I replied, looking around for Cierra. I saw her and Patrick holding hands. I watched them in awe, until i caught her attention. She blushed, before walking out with him. "So, tonight? or another time?" Luke looked up. "I guess tonight" I shrugged. When we arrived, Luke smiled at me. "Morgan.. Welcome to the 5SOS house". 


I sat on Luke's bed, and he laid back. I turned my head so I could look at him. "I'm bored" I whined. "Well, what do you want to do?" He asked, sitting up. I shrugged. "I have an idea" He grabbed my hand, and I blushed. He led me to the backyard, and he picked up a basketball. "Shoot some hoops?" He smiled, letting go of my hand. "Luke, I don't know how to play basketball" I frowned. He chuckled, before handing me the basketball. I furrowed my eyebrows before feeling hands wrap around me. He put his hand on mine, and looked down at me. "Focus on the ball" He whispered, my breath hitching. I focused and he spoke again. "Now throw" I threw it, and the ball landed in the hoop. I gasped, and smiled at him. I wrapped my arms around him, and hugged him tight. "Thanks" He smiled, and before he could speak we heard the back door open, and there stood Cierra. "Hey Morgan I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall while the guys are practicing." She said smiling. I looked at Luke before walking up to her. "Yeah let's go, BYE GUYS!" I yelled as I walked out the door with Cierra.


heeeeeey guys, I hope you like it. 

It's longer than the last one I did yaaay.

aha so yeah.

Morgan xx

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