Chapter 11 (Cierra)

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So if you guys didn't notice we are trying out writing in each other's P.O.V, if you don't like it tell meh! AND WARNING THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER IF YOU WANT YOURE EYES TO STAY VIRGIN JUST DONT READ!!


·Morgan's P.O.V·

"Why did you come back?" I asked Shawn. "I don't exactly know. What happened?" he asked I explained the whole story to him. "Woah, that's crazy." he replied "Yeah." I agreed "D-did you think about what I told you?" he asked. I nodded, honestly a year Is a long time to think. "And?" he asked "I honestly only like you as a friend Shawn I'm sorry." I said, I do, it's just, lately things have been crazy. "Oh." he replied, a sad tone added to his voice. "I'm sorry, the thing with Ashton and Luke." I replied. "Its fine I understand, I have to go." he replied and walked down the street. I decided to go back to Luke's maybe Cal forgot about it. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer, of course it would be Cal. "Hey sorry about earlier, Luke told me." he smiled "Thanks Cal I was worried you thought I was a slut or something..."  I sighed "I would never think that, I was worried, but never thought that." he said as he pulled me into a hug. I automatically hugged him back, I'm glad he still cared. "Hey do you know if Luke's here still?" I asked "Oh yeah I was actually getting ready to go, Bye M." he said "Bye C." I smiled and walked back in the house. "Luke?" I called as I walked up the stairs "Yeah?" he yelled back, in his room, makes sense. I walked into his room to find him watching tv in shorts. "Morgan?!" he asked as he got up and hugged me "I'm so sorry about earlier." he said "No it was fine, I was just worried about Cal." I replied "Are you sure, what about the kiss?" he asked "Same thing." I replied "What do you mean?" I asked "Well I called Cierra and she helped me think." I smiled "Really, so you like me back?" he asked I smiled and jumped on him.


We made our way to the bed and within a few minutes my shirt was off and so was Lukes."You sure you wanna do this?" he asked "What do you think?" I smirked and pulled him into another kiss. Clothes were flying off at the minute. He started kissing around my neck before he got to my spot, which reacted in me moaning out loud (Would that be mol, wait what?) he kept kissing and licking on it which most likely created a hicky. I flipped him over and started kissing him again, until I reached his underwear.  I started sucking on him until he pulled me back up to him and he flipped me back on bottom. "You ready?" he asked "Uh, yus." I replied as he pushed in, honestly it hurt, ALOT at first but soon it became pleasurable "Faster, right now." I said and he obeyed it stayed like this for about 6 minutes until he let go and exploded.

End again sorry for that and Morgan I hate you <3

I woke up the next morning with a pounding in my head, ugh great a headache. It's been about 2 months and me and Luke have become more serious and I moved out of Ashtons house and into Luke's, Ash and I decided it was for the best to stay friends, it took a while but we kept friends. I told Cierra and she is over the moon about it, speaking of Cierra Her and the guys get home today. I found out last month I was pregnant, I haven't told Luke yet because I wanted to tell Cierra first. I don't know why in the world we didn't use a condom, heat of the moment I guess, hopefully Cierra won't mind....

·Cierra's P.O.V·

We had finished the last show last night and we're heading home. I haven't seen Morgan for what 5 months now? Well it will be amazing when I see her. "Babe?" I asked Patrick "Hmm?" he replied "I'm gonna take a nap." I yawned "Okay Love you ill wake you up when we're home." he replied and gave me a kiss before I laid down in my bunk. I slept for a while before I felt someone shake me "Babe, were home wake up." Patrick said shaking me. "What time is it?" I asked still tired "12 at night." he replied "Oh." I said guess I won't see Morgan tonight. "Wanna go in and go to bed?" he asked "Yes please." I replied "Alright." he said and carried me inside the house. I woke up from my slumber around 9 in the morning, huh I wonder if Morgan's awake. I grabbed my phone and decided to call her. "Hello?" she said "Hey can you come over?" I asked "You're home?" she asked "Yeah" I replied "Coming over now sis I have something to tell you anyway." she said and hung up. After about 10 minutes there was a knock at the door. I opened the door to find Morgan with a huge smile on her face as she brought me into a hug. "I missed you." she said "I missed you too." I replied "Wheres Trick?" she asked "Shower." I replied "So what did you need to tell me?" I asked "I'm pregnant." she replied. Wait, What?


Yep that was it hope you enjoyed it, we have plans for it and Morgan should update it tomorrow, anyway see you in the next chapter.

Probably Off Somewhere Saving Rock and Roll,

Cierra xXx

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