Chapter 10 (Morgan)

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Morgans POV

as soon as luke came back from showering he sat back on the couch and wrapped his arm around me. I looked up and him and smiled. before I knew it his lips were against mine. I moved one of my free hands and wrapped it around his neck. and his went down to my waist. he pulled me underneath him and got on top of me. he moved his hands under my top and started to pull it up until we heard a shriek. we both turned our heads and there stood calum. his eyes widened and his eyes went down to lukes hand that was over my stomach under my shirt. I quickly got up and made my way out and shut the door in the middle of luke calling out for me. "morgan! wait ple-". I stumbled in mine and ashtons house and slid down the floor. calum probably thinks I'm a slut. he has no idea about ashton cheating but he sure as hell thinks I cheated. well I did, we never broke up. but still. paybacks a bitch. I let out a sob and of course. Ashton and that little slut of his walked downstairs. and he locked eyes with me. clearly showing that he was guilty with what he had done. he opened the back door and she walked out. "bye I really hope that we can do this another ti-" and he slammed the door in her face. he made his way over to me and crouched down. "Morgan i-im sorr-" "no" he furrowed his eyebrows. "what?" "no." "no what?" "you're not sorry." he sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. "ew get your disgusting hands off of me!" I screeched, and stormed out the door. "I'm so sorry mo-" and bam. I slammed the door in his face. of course he followed me. I knocked on the door and the familiar brunette opened the door. Shawn. "hey Morgan what's up????" instead of answering I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. ashton behind me. "who's this?" shawn said, referring to Ashton. "her boyfriend." he spoke up. "my EX boyfriend." Ashton was about to interject but I slapped my hand on his mouth. "don't say a thing" I glared. he licked my hand and I screeched. "ew! he has diseases! ew ew ew ew" I whined wiping his spit off with my shirt. he frowned, with a bit of hurt washed all over his face. great. that douche deserves it.

lol I updated sorry for not being on to update I was busy x.x but anyways I'm back!!!!


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