Little Authors Note..

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Hey guys Cierra here, I know you were expecting a chapter but there is one right after this, but I want to thank you guys for reading this story it means a bunch to me and Morgan and to the few of you that like the story, thanks, now I'm going to warn you it may have some drama and it may seem like things are going too Damn fast but don't worry it helps a bunch in the rest of the story. I hope you enjoy this book and if you could vote I will love you forever, and keep in mind when we hit 100 There's a surprise! Also if the chapters come late at night from me I'm sorry I am Nocturnal and it's just how I work, so thanks for putting up with that! Anyway see you in the next chapter! Love you bunches!

Probably off somewhere Saving Rock And Roll,

Cierra xXx

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