Chapter 8 (Morgan)

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-Morgans P.O.V-

I woke up to the sun shining bright in my face. I shaded my eyes and saw Cierra wasn't in here. I got up, and tiptoed downstairs. I searched the whole house before giving up and walking out the door. I made my way in my house and saw Cierra packing. "seriously" I murmured to myself. "huh?" she answered. "what? I didn't say anything" I lied. "oh okay so you sure you want to live with Luke?" "why? you want me to stay with you?" "yeah kinda" I sighed before pulling a small smile. "if you want.... I can live with you and the boys.." "yayayayayayayayayay" she screamed, hugging onto me. "wait how are you going to tell luke?" "I'll tell him while were at the arcade okay?" "okay good luck" I nodded before sitting on the couch.


we were currently in the car with all of the boys and I awkwardly moved around. "you okay babe?" Luke wrapped his arm around me. I shrugged out of his touch and shrugged. "I'm fine." he frowned before nodding his head. I tugged my earphones in my ears and turned it all the way up, blocking out all talking. As we were walking I grabbed lukes arm and brought him over by the bathrooms

"what's up?" he tugged on his lip ring. "I.... I can't stay with you..." "what? why?" I could see the sadness in his eyes. "Cierra... she wants me to stay with her.. and I agreed.." I gave him a small smile. "so... I'm going to have to um br-" "break up with me?" he cried. "yeah.. I'm sorry luke" he let out a sob and I gave him a hug. "hey morgan I need to talk to you" Jason slurred. he was drunk. "hold on" I yelled. "I.... have to go" I whispered in lukes ear before walking over to Jason. "you okay?" "Morgan I'm leaving.. I'm going back to LA" "what!" ".....and I need to tell you something..." "what is it?" "I've always had a crush on you" he kissed my forehead. before I could say anything he was gone.


all the boys were with us in the car on the way to the airport.. for Jason. I didn't tell anybody what he had said to me last night.. once we entered I saw the familiar cotton candy best friend I have. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him. he turned and a big smile was on his face but tears were also there. "you came" "of course I came" "even after what I told you?" "yeah" I nodded. "Flight 4B will be talking flight shortly" "that's me" he sighed. "please don't leave me" I cried, clinging onto him. "I have to" I sighed before wiping my eyes. "bye Jason" he let out a deep sigh and frowned. "bye Morgan" he waved at Cierra and I before hopping on the plane. I stayed silent to whole way back, I ran over to my place and grabbed my suitcases before making my way over to the guys' house. I burst through the door. and the boys smiled "you're staying?" "yeah" I nodded. Cierra and I went back to hers and i's room. in the middle of watching American Horror Story my phone went off

"what" "oi hi to you too" Ashton. "what do you want I'm trying to watch american horror story" "I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me later..." "why can't the boys hang out with you?" "because I wanna hang with you.... so is that okay?" "yeah I guess" "great I'll pick you up in a half hour" "k"


once Ashton had picked me up we went to the boys and his's house. "hey guys im back and I brought someone with me" I heard foot steps and all the boys came in view. "heey Morgan" Michael smiled, giving me a big hug. "hiiiiiii" "hey" calum looked up from his phone. and Luke... just stood there. "OK so we'll be in my room if you need anything" "k"


-Luke's P.O.V-

once I saw Morgan my heart fluttered but when I realized she came over for Ashton it shattered. once they were in his room I put my ear against the door and listened. "so wanna play a video game?" "sure" "do you know how to p-" "yes I do." "okay" I sighed as I waited until they were done. "so what do you want to do now?" "idk" "k so um idk either" he chuckled. she let out a giggle before speaking. "hm we can prank call my friend danny...?" "yes" she put this 'danny' guy on speaker phone before staying silent. "hello???" "um hey baby" she squeaked. "what?!?" "babe I told you to come over a half hour ago where are you" "who are you???" "baby! you know who I am" "um no I don't" "its Britney!!!!!" "I don't know a Britney" "baby!!!!!!! are you cheating on me!!!!!!" "no I don't even know who the hell you are" "but babyyyyy" "no don't call me baby when I have no idea who you are" "aha danny its Morgan" "oh what the hell" he burst out laughing. "that's why you need to check the caller id dumbass" "betch plz" "k bye" and the line went silent. "you hung up on him oh god" "yes I did nobody betch plz's me." "betch plz" "betch" she yelled before I heard noises. "ow! you hit my head" "lol I have to go Danny's probably ranting to cierra because I hung up on him" "haha okay see you later" "OK" I got up and ran into my room. after she had left Ashton and the boys were talking and I walked in. "I think I like Morgan..." then and there, my heart shattered....

lolol so this is late and it makes no sense sorry but yeah ily

Morgan xx

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