Chapter 5 (Cierra)

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Cierras P.O.V·

"Hey Morgan, while the guys are working do you want to go to the mall?" I said as I walked in the backyard where Morgan was. "Yeah, let's go." She looked back at Luke and smiled. "Wait how are we going to get there?" she asked "Well I wanted to walk but the guys insisted going with so they are going to the music store in the mall." I replied "I thought you said they had to work?" she said "Yeah well I lied how else would I get you out of there." she sighed and we walked to the car. "Hey Morgan!" they all yelled as she we got in "Hey." she replied and got in beside me. We made it there and they guys all got out first. "Okay how about we meet back in in 30?" Andy suggested "Sounds good." I replied and as me and Morgan we were walking off Patrick grabbed me. "Woah, that scared me..What's up Pat?" I asked "I just wanted to do this." He kissed me cheek and walked off. I walked back over to Morgan still stunned. "Where did you go I was scared Patrick took you and you guys ran off together." she said and smiled "Oh shut up he had to tell me something." I said and blushed "You will tell me one day." she said and we walked into Hot Topic.


·Patrick's P.O.V·

I smiled and walked back to the guys. "Where the fuck did you go?" Pete asked "Nowhere." I replied "Uh huh bullshit." he replied. After about 10 minutes of shopping Pete walked up. "Pat I know you like her." he said "Who?" I asked "Cierra don't act stupid." he replied "Yeah I do..." "So why won't you ask her out?" he asked "Because I doubt she likes me." I replied "Oh wow you are stupid, Do you see the way she looks at you? When we came back to the house I saw you two holding hands, and if she didn't like you she wouldn't have smiled and kept holding you're hand." Pete replied and soon the other guys walked up. "What are you guys fighting about?" Joe asked "He doesn't believe when I tell him Cierra likes him and he should ask her on a date." Pete told the guys "Yeah you should she really does like you, I wouldn't lie about that." Andy said "Yep fully agree." Joe says "Do it, Do it, Do it." they chant "Alright! I will just don't tell her, please." I finally agree. "Yes!" they scream and a sales associate walks up. "Excuse me but if you don't keep it down I will have to ask you to leave the store." she says "Yes sorry ma'am." Pete said. We silently laughed, got what we needed and walked out. "Sooooo, how are you going to ask her?" Joe asked "Well I was going to ask her before we leave." I said "Cool." We walked to the van and waited for the girls to come back out. After about 5 minutes they walked out. "This is why I hate shopping with you, you take to Damon long!" Cierra said "Oh hey guys ready to go?" she asked "Yep." We replied "But before we leave can I talk to you, Cierra?" I asked. "Yeah sure, Pat." she smiled and I took her a little bit away from the van. "Umm so I was wondering if you wanted to uh, go on a date tonight?" I asked "Yes, Patrick I would love to." She smiled and kissed my check and we walked back to the bus.


·Cierra's P.O.V·

Once we made it back to me and Morgan's Apartment, we saw a note on the door. "Oh great a fucking moving out notice." I said "What?!" Morgan said walking up taking the note from my hands "Are you serious? We played last month's rent!" she said pissed off. "Just don't worry about it we will get it figured out." I calmed her down " Its says a week!" she yelled "Try to forget about it Morgan." I said "You're right! We have a date to get you ready for!" After about 30 minutes of sitting in a chair Morgan got my hair right "Now make-up." she said "Nope! You know I only apply eyeliner which I do." I said "PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE" she begged "Nope not happening, and if your staying the night at Luke's house pack a bag, I can handle the rest myself." I said and applied my eyeliner and went to my closet. I chose my black dress which has cool red at the bottom where it looks like it's bleeding, my black combat boots, my clandestine necklace I wear every where and I put a red leather jacket. Once I was ready I got my phone and scrolled through my tweets replying to some. I then got a call from my friend Stella "Hey Stella what's up?" I asked "I am moving down to Chicago and so is Roz." she said "Really? Why?" I wondered " Well you know with the band thing I was hoping we could try to compete that." "Really? We haven't practised for 2 years" I replied "Yeah but don't lie to me I know Morgan has been practicing Bass and you practicing your singing and guitar." she said "Yeah, yeah." I replied. Just then I got a knock on the door after about 20 minutes. "Oh I have to go. I have a date." I said "Ohh with whom?" she asked "Patrick, BYE." I said and hung up and opened the door.


·Patrick's P.O.V·

She looked stunning. "You look beautiful." I said "Thank you, and you look pretty handsome." she said I took her hand and led her to the car. I opened up the door for her "Thanks" she smiled and I got around and got in myself. "So where are we going?" she asked "Its a surprise." I told her "Awww." she said as I turned on the radio. Sugar were going down came on and Cierra sung along. After the song I said "You have a beautiful voice." "Thanks." she replied "Have you ever had a band?" I asked "Yeah, I was the singer and guitarist and Morgan was the Bassist my friend Roz was the lead guitarist and my friend Stella was the drums, before you picked me up Stella told me she was coming to live down here and she wanted to try to start the band again." she said "Really? You have to let me listen some time." "Alright." she smiled and we pulled up to a place called Sharkeys (It exists and it's AMAZING) "This is my favorite restaurant." she said as we got out." "Mine too." I said and we walked in. After we ate we started talking. "So Cierra I know this might seem, uh subtle but do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked "I would love to." she said as we kissed. Best night ever.


So I hope you liked it Sorry I didn't update lately I was at my friends for a while but now we are back :D Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next one!

Probably off somewhere Saving Rock and Roll,

Cierra xXx

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