Don't Speak.

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I began running to my best friends car. I was late, as usual. Well, fashionably late, as i like to call it. I grabbed the door of Stacee's silver Honda Civic.

"Jeez Willa! It's the first day of school and your already back to your old habits?" Stacee practically yelled at me

"Sorry! Sorry! I couldnt for the life of me choose the right outfit." I said throwing my hands up in surrender.

She laughed at me and started the car. We drove the all to familiar drive to hell, or school as people call it.

I was going to be a junior this year. People say it's the hardest year because it's really the last year the teachers get to work you because your senior year is like your slack year.

Yay me.

I'm not really popular, but I'm not a loner by any means. I have friends. But Stacee is my best friend. I've known her since kindergarden. I've always been a little jealous of her though. She's tall and slender with long blond hair and bright blue eyes. Me, not so much. I'm an average height, and an average weight, i have long dark almost black hair and dark hazel eyes. I am tan, where she is not. But that is the only thing I have that makes her jealous. I don't mind though. I love her all the same.

We finally reach the parking lot to Frances High School. Stacee and I are immediately greeted by Stacee's boyfriend, John.

"Hey baby. Hey Willa." John said coming up to us.

"Hey John." I said as Stacee gave him a peck on the lips.

John was a cool guy. He was captain of the swim team but not one of those cocky jocks. He was nice. Stacee started dating him this summer. Since he was popular, I'm guessing that kind of makes her popular to. So I'm not really how that works into our friendship since I'm not really popular. But I guess we will cross that bridge when it comes.

We make our way to the cafeteria where we grab our schedules for the year and already Stacee and John are pulled over by the whole swim team. And I am left by myself to go and get my schedule. I guess that answers that question.

"Name?" The lady at the desk asks me.

"Willa Rowen." I say.

"Here you go." I grab the sheet and turn to leave when my face suddenly slams into a wall.

I look up to see what the heck I've hit and when light green eyes meet mine i realize it was not a wall.

"Jeez, I'm so sorry. I really need to look where I'm going." I say trying to make amends for smashing into him.

But he doesn't say anything back. He just looks at me with an intense stare. I was expecting a, 'it's okay' or a 'no worries' but nothing. He just stares and then moves past me.

What the heck was that about?

I make my way over to where Stacee and John are standing with the other jocks.

"Hey Willa." One of the guys says to me. Do I know him?

I wave slightly, but I'm almost certain there's a confused look on my face.

"Hey darling, saw you having a stare down with Andy over there." Stacee says walking up to me.

"Andy? You know that guy?"

"Yeah I've had a few classes with him over the years."

"Well he's rude. I ran into him and tried to apologize but all he did was stare at me. Didn't even say it was okay."

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