Don't Speak. Part 10

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hello hello hello ! :)

i NEED more comments, and votes and I'm thinking i need some more FANS too !

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love you guy !


I walked through the halls in a daze. the dream i had the night before still lingering in my mind. the first part, that part with Andy, i smiled about. But, after that, the part when Andy started to cry and then the part with my brother... My eye brows furrows. I haven't had a dreams about my brother for almost a year now. But none, and i mean none of them have ever been like that. Most were just bits and pieces of the past. memories i have of him. He has never talked to me before. What did he mean? Its not his fault? Who's fault? The more i thought about it the more confused i got. Should i really be dwelling on it this long? does it really matter? Maybe it was just a dream. Just a dream.

I looked up and saw Mason headed my way. I quickly pushed the dream to the back of my mind and put on a smile.

"Hey Willa." He smiled at me and put his arm around my shoulder walking me to 4th period.

"How was your dentist appointment?" I asked looking up at him. Mason was so much bigger than me. But looking up at him not I'm realizing that he isn't as tall as Andy. Much more meaty of course, you can't be on the swim team with out having muscles. Andy wasn't skin and bones by any means, no he was he was muscular, but the lean kind. Like when you see how muscular his forearm is when he writes it makes you wonder when the rest of his body looks like.

"--- anyway i don't have any cavities, so that's plus." Shit, I'd completely zoned out think about Andy's body and missed the whole conversation. We were also already in front of my english class.

"Are you alright Willa? You seem a little out of it today."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, I don't know, tired or something." I tried to give him a smile to let him know i really was okay.

He looked at me as if he wasn't convinced then shrugged and nodded telling me that he'd meet me after class.

I walked into my english class to find Andy sitting in his usual spot.

I froze. What were we going to talk about? I was so busy thinking about the dream that i hadn't even thought about what it would be like the next time i saw him. I mean we kissed. What does that mean for us? are we together? does he even like me? does he want to be together?

Oh god, there are so many questions. What am i going to do?

"Willa would you like to take your seat?" The teacher was looking at me with a strange look on her face.

I looked around the room. Everyone was sitting down staring up at me except Andy. Did he know i was think about him?

I nodded slowly before taking my seat.

"Now as you all know your journals are due on Monday and your plays will be talking place on Tuesday and if we don't have enough time then we will just push them over to Wednesday. So if i were you i would take the weekend to prepare with your partner if you haven't already." the teacher said.

Oh crap. I had completely forgotten about out plays. We haven't even talked about it.

Has it really been that long? Is it already time for our presentations? I thought back, we have been in school for about a month and a half. It's almost Halloween. Has it really been that long? I guess Andy ignored me for longer than i thought he had.

The teacher assigned us to discuss our plays with our partner for the rest of the period. this is it i thought. we have to actually talk to each other now.

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