Don't Speak.

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My next two classes passed quickly and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

I stood at my locker putting my books away and grabbing my lunch. i suddenly got this weird feeling of being watched. I looked around trying to find the source, when my eyes landed on a pair of green ones.

His gaze was so intense i couldn't look away. I watched him suck the left side of his bottom lip into his mouth and his lip ring started to wiggle.

His eyes studied me and for some reason i felt like he was looking at me. the real me. i felt naked. but i wasn't embarrassed. for reasons i can't explain i wanted him to know the real me. i wanted to tell him everything. things no one knew about me, i wanted him to know.

I was staring at him so intently that i didn't notice Chelsea standing by my locker, with quite an angry face i might add.

"stay away from him." She sneered.

"From who?" I looked at her confused.

"Mason. Even thought him and i broke up, he is still mine."

"Well that's fantastic. But i really don't know why your telling me this."

"Don't play dumb Willa. I see you hang on him. Just be warned." And with that Chelsea walked away.

What the hell? Hang on him? What is she talking about? I don't even know him. Wack job.

I looked back to the place where Andy was just before Chelsea came up to me but he was already gone.

I sighed and turned to walk over to the cafeteria where Stacee, John and Mason were waiting for me.

"Hey! How are your classes?" Stacee asked me as soon as i got to the table.

"Eh, they are alright." I replied.

"I have almost every class with John!" she squealed.

I laughed, "That's great."

"Willa and I have two classes together." Mason spoke up.

"Oh really?" Stacee looked at me with a suggestive smile on her face.

What is she thinking? Me and Mason? No way.

Mason smiled at me. I blushed and looked away.

i looked around the caf. searching for something but i wasn't sure what until i found those light pair of green eyes. it was like gravity the way my eyes were pulled to his.

He was sitting at a table by himself. and he was staring. right at me..

Mason must have seen me staring because he turned and stared in Andy's direction.

He turned back to me with a scowl on his face.

"Why is that guy always staring at you like he owns you or something?" Mason said.

"What are you talking about? Who keeps staring at her?" John asked.

Mason just pointed behind him.

Stacee laughed. "I think someone likes you Willa."

"What? No he doesn't. He's probably still mad at me for slamming into this morning." I shrugged.

"I doubt it. You guys should have seen the way he was looking at her in math today. His eyes were like glued to her." Mason practically growled.

What is he so upset about?

"So Stacee are you gonna come over after school today?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Oh well I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come to a party that the swim team is having. I was thinking maybe we could get ready at your house and then head over at like 8?"

"Oh um sure, that sounds like fun." i said a little unsure. I've never been to a high school party so i guess maybe now is the time. Truth is I've always been a little afraid of going to high school parties, I'm scared that all the alcohol is going to bring back memories. Memories i don't want brought back.

I hadn't realized how deep in thought i was until the lunch bell rang and everyone was getting up to leave.

i was exiting the cafeteria when i felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to find Mason smiling.

"What's your next class?" he asked.

"Um English i think."

"Can i walk you?"

"Yeah of course." i smiled.

We walked to my class in silence.

Before i walked into class Mason stopped me. He looked... nervous?

"Hey um i wanted to ask you if maybe you wanted to go to the party... with me." He said.

"Oh uh wow." i struggled.

"Not like a date or anything, just as like friends." His laugh was shaky.

"Um sure, yeah i'd love to." I tried to smile.

He took a deep breath and smiled at me, "Cool, i'll get John and pick you and Stacee up at 8."

"Sounds good. I'll give you my number and you can text me for my address." I quickly tried to write down my address when someone very rudely shoved through me to get into the class.

I turned with a scowl on my face to find Andy walking though the class a scowl clear on his face. What was his problem? Wait, i have another class with him?

"What a jerk." I heard Mason say before i handed him the paper.

"I'll see you 6th period." i smiled before i turned and walked into English choosing a seat in the front. English was my favorite class.

"Good afternoon class!" the teacher walked in. I could tell i was going to like her.

"We are just going to jump straight into the year, starting off with a personal favorite of mine. I'd like you all to pass around a copy of Romeo and Juliet. Once you get a copy I'd like you to find someone in the class that you would like to work with and go sit next to them."

As she started passing the books around the room, i looked for someone i knew that i could work with.

All of a sudden my desk moved and a chair screeched into place.

I turn around to look at who came to sit with me. My eyes grew wide with shock when i realized it was Andy.


sorry its short. I plan to upload every day. i don't wanna be one of those people that never get back to their story.

Please comment and tell me what you think!

<3 Mahhray

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