Don't Speak. Part 14

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We were sitting outside his house right now.

Sitting in silence.

We both opened our mouths at the same time, trying to speak.

Then closing them realizing what we had done.

"You first." He said quietly.

I thought for a moment about what I was going to say.

"You aren't going to fall silent again, are you?"

He turned his face towards me. His eye brow arched up slightly, his mouth pulling up into a smirk. "What do you mean?"

My eye brows puled together. Does he not know that he never talkes? I thought to myself. 

"Well you never talk. Except to me and even so, it's not very often. I feel like we have these great moments together and I think things will be different for us but then you go quiet on me again and we are back to point A." All of the words bubbled out of my mouth without any thought as to what I was saying. All I knew is that I was done hidding my feelings from him and I wanted to know where we stood.

"No, I don't think I will fall silent this time. I'm in to deep to save myself anyway." He shugged.

Save himself? What could that possibly mean?

At that moment he leaned over toward me, putting his hand under my chin and pulling me towards him.

He pressed his lips to mine softly, lingering only for a minute.

Once he pulled away he looked at me for a moment, seeming to be thinking something over.

"Lets skip school tomorrow."

I'm quite sure my face looked as shocked as I felt. Skip?

"Um, okay." I sputtered out before I could talk myself out of it and say no.

He smirked at me once more, "I'll see you in the morning. Meet me right here at 8."

I nodded as he got out of the car and walked up to his home.

I sat there, in the drive way. Thinking.

For one I couldn't believe that today had actually happened.

What was my english teacher going to say when I got back?

Taking a deep breath I started my car and headed to my house. My mind still scattered all over the place.

Once I pulled into my drive way and made my up to my room, I laid on my bed.

My eye lids. Drifted closing.

But not before a single thought ran through my mind.

What is Andy planning for tomorrow?


'Beep 'Beep 'Beep

Groggy, I rolled over and hit my alarm button.

Damn, I needed to get up. It was horribly difficult to open my eyes.

They seemed to weigh 10 pounds.

Wait... didn't I have a date with Andy today?

Suddenly my eyes shot open. Fully awake.

I checked the clock. Thankfully it was only 7. I still had an hour to get ready.

I got out of bed, grabbing a towel for the shower.

Opening my door slowely, I could hear snoring on the couch.

I quickly glanced over the banister upstairs to find my mother crashed out on the couch. I hadn't even heard her come in last night.

Rough night it seems.

I rolled my eyes and started my shower.

My stomach was increasingly reminding me how nervous I was.

So many questions were running through my mind.

Where are we going?

What are we doing?

Will he still act the same?

Will he fall quiet?

I turned the hot water up even hotter, trying to clear my mind.

Dear god how could this have happened?

In a matter of months my life has gone completely out of whack.

My feelings. They were all jumbled.

I have fallen for a guy I didn't even know.

I ran my hands over and through my wet hair.

What would my brother think?

I was scared. Scared to feel this way about someone.

Everyone I have ever loved has always left. My brother, dead. My father, left. My mother, drunk.

How could I trust Andy to not be the same way.

Stepping out of the shower I glanced at the clock.

It was only 7:23. Hurridly I dried my hair and put a little make up on. Not wanting to look like I cared as much as I did.

Today wasn't about my past. Or the jumbled questions rattleing through my brain.

Today I was going to let eveything happen the way it's supposed to happen. 

I have time to overanalize stuff later.


sorry it's short, but at least I uploaded lol.

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