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(Pretend Invitation tour ended)

-A few weeks later-

"Allison,Cameron come down stairs"both my parents yell from the living room.

Oh no, what's happening? I thought. I pause the Shane Dawson conspiracy theory video that I was currently watching and get out of my lovesac bean bag.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen to see my parents with a stern yet worried look on their faces. Allison soon walks in and then my parents can tell us the news.

"We have some important news, your father was asked to transfer his job to California. He would have double the pay he has now and a new and nice house would be provided" my moms says as she puts her hand on my dad's shoulder.

"What your mother is trying to tell you two is that we're moving" my dad says.

"ok, I'm cool with that. no one at my school talked to me so nothing will be new" I say shrugging. We'd be moving to the other side of the country. From Massachusetts to California. That's going to be a long flight.

Allison on the other hand isn't okay with the move.

"No no no. We can't move I have a lot of friends i can't miss the school formal!" Allison whines.

"One pro about the move is that you Cameron, will be going to a school of arts,you have real potential in your art and photography abilities" my dad says.

I get all excited at those words. I can't believe I'm going to a school of arts. My skills will improve so much and who knows, I may make a couple of friends.

"Thank you thank you thank you" I yell as I tackle my parents in a bear hug.

"We leave in a week so let's start boxing up" my mom says getting up and going to the kitchen. She grabs boxes for what we want to keep and then garbage bags for waste that we don't need.

I quickly grab the boxes and garbage bags and run upstairs to start packing. I go to my laptop and go on Spotify and press shuffle on my playlist. I start to dance as I go through my things. I smile and sing along to the songs.

I get so excited at the thought of going to a new school with people who are similar to me. You see, at my old school I was an outcast, no one talked to me and I was known as the shy kid. I always ate alone and hid in the back of the classroom. Maybe at the new school I can change my ways.

I walk over to my phone and decide to tell Zach the news.

Texting convo

Cameron👽🦋-I have something to tell you...

Zach🙄🔥- oh no you're scaring me pls don't tell me it's bad news

Cameron👽🦋- no no it's good

Zach🙄🔥- ok tell me I can only be so patient

Cameron👽🦋- I'M MOVING TO LA!!

Zach🙄🔥- Wait seriously?!

Cameron👽🦋-Yup. I'm so excited!

Zach🙄🔥- Me too! I can see you're beautiful face again



Cameron👽🦋- Gtg have to pack

-End of Convo-

That was weird...
I get off my phone and pack some more. I put my pants in one box along with my shorts and put my shirts in another box. I start to throw out my old clothes that I don't want anymore in the garbage bag.This is going to take a while.

Starstruck/ Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now