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Zach still hasn't acknowledged my presence, even when we were in the US for those couple of shows. I shouldn't be complaining though.

We stopped in California for a couple of days and now I'm in my room, packing once again. I start to dig through my closet, trying to find clothes for Asia and Australia.

I pull out a white crop top with flowers along the shirt pocket and toss it into the suitcase along with multiple pairs of high waisted jeans and shorts.
I grab more shirts and shove them in the luggage.

Dusting my hands off, I stand up and grab both my yellow and regular checkered vans, along with Nike slides.
I know, I know, I don't have a lot of shoes to pack. Big deal. Maybe I don't want to haul a lot of luggage on the trip.

To make this flight go by, Ive decided on bringing my art supplies along with The Harry Potter series and Spider-Man Homecoming. I grab my air pods and my yellow champion sweatshirt off my bed and carry them.

I head downstairs to say goodbye to my parents, yet again. Oh.... and I have to say goodbye to Allison.

I put my luggage by the front door and head over to the kitchen to see my mom cooking pasta.

"Bye mom!"

She turns her head and her eyes go wide a realization hitting her.

"Oh my, you're leaving today I wasn't ready. Have fun! And bring me back some candy" she then gives me a back breaking hug that's similar to Daniel's.

"Okay I will Mom." I say trying to breathe. I can't believe I'm leaving them again.

My dad walks into the room with Allison and both of them join our hug saying goodbye to me.

"Have fun in Asia!" My dad says smiling down at me.

"Pet a koala for me please" Allison says which makes me laugh.

"I will, and I'll pet a kangaroo as well" I say winking at her.

I open my mouth to talk but am soon cut off with a knock on the door. I pull apart from the hug and walk over to the door. I open the door and am immediately greeted with four smiles yup four not five. Want to guess who's missing? I'll give you a minute to think about it.

I smile back at them.

"You guys could come in if you want" right after those words leave my mouth, they scramble into the house making Allison squeal like a pig. Oh no. Why can't she calm down.

"Hello Mr and Mrs. Reese, thank you again for letting your daughter accompany us on the rest of your tour." Daniel says gong my mom a hug as well as my father. He doesn't even have to take a step toward Allison, while she has already jumped into his arms.

Daniel's a little taken aback by this jester and nervously laughs.

"Hi Daniel it's nice to see you again" Allison says while hanging on Daniel's back.

I turn around to see Corbyn, Jack, and Jonah trying to hide their laughs but it's too late and we all burst out laughing.

"Okay Allison lets get down" I roll my eyes, and to say that she's the oldest.

She hops down but is still holding onto Daniel.

"Okay, well that was fun we're going to go... bye! Love you guys." I say grabbing the boys and tugging them out of the house to escape that psychopath named Allison.

With my luggage in one hand and sweatshirt and air pods in another the boys take me to the van. I open up the trunk and toss my stuff in and then close it.

Daniel opens up the door for me and I look to see the only open seat is right next to Zach.

"Really?!" I hiss at Daniel.
He just shrugs then closes the door. I make my way to the car seat and sit next to Zach. He huffs under his breath. Glad to know the feelings mutual.

"Nice to see you too" I mutter.
He just looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"No no no! Don't roll your eyes at me."

"My bad" he says crossing his arms and looking at me.

"You know what, let's just ignore each other for this car ride and even the plane ride I say while taking out my air pods.

"Wow, that's the smartest thing you've ever said"

"Oh shut up!"

"You shut up!"

"Guys be quiet!" Jonah shouts over our voices immediately causing us to grow silent.

I turn my music on and turns away from Zach and rest my head on the window sleep quickly greeting me.

Starstruck/ Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now