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The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot - Brand New

2 days before

"Sirius I swear if you aren't packed I'll do it myself." James stomped around the house gathering everything that was his. Sirius had moved in with James and his parents their sophomore (10th) year. His parents didn't agree with him being gay.

Sirius was packed the night before. He wanted everything to be ready for move in day. The pale boy rolled out of bed and in front of his mirror. It was already afternoon and he had been ready since 8:00am. He was dressed in a white shirt with black ripped jeans.

He pulled on a black sweater and his vans. James came into the room looking around. His hair was messy and he was still in his sleeping clothes.

"Mate have you seen my glasses? I think I might have packed them. Bloody hell I don't remember which box it was." He put his hands on his hips and huffed.

Sirius made his way up to the boy and lifted a pair of glasses out of James' hair. He placed them in James' hands and pat him on the back as walked passed him out of the room.

"Where's your mum?" The house seemed to be empty besides the two boys. Sirius made his way downstairs with James right behind.

"She left with Peter to buy more things for the new place. Poor kid, she asked if I wanted to go and Peter happened to walk in at the perfect time. You know how much she loves him." James met Sirius in the kitchen and took a look around. "Can you believe in 2 days we'll be in our own home? No more chores, no more curfews, and no more rules!"

"No more chores? Who do you think is going to clean up?" Sirius rolled his eyes at the younger boy and bit into an apple. James shrugged and sat on the counter.

"Mate aren't you warm in that sweater? It's scorching hot outside." James then noticed Sirius tense up. "Oh. I forgot." A silence fell upon them until the front door opened.

"I can't believe we got all of this stuff, Mrs.Potter I don't think it'll fit in our apartment it's a little, well, Little." The two boys made their way to the door. Peter was carrying all of the bags while Mrs.Potter held nothing but an iced coffee.

"Oh it'll fit. It's just a few things. Essential things." Her phone rang and she answered leaving Peter with the two others. He placed the bags down and sighed.

"Well let's go check out this place one more time. I need to get away from her. No offense James." James shrugged and they all made their way to his car. James realized he was still in his pajama pants and ran back to his room to change.
The apartment building was quite big. The three boys made their way to the building when Sirius stopped and hopped onto a ledge. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up, letting the smoke take over his lungs.

"Do you really have to do this now?" James crossed his arms impatiently waiting for his friend to be done.

"Absolutely. Got a problem?" James huffed and sat beside him. Peter sat to the left of Sirius. The building door opens and a short red headed girl walks out with her phone to her ear.

"Rem I told you to come with me. By the time I get home your ice cream will be melted. No I will not run all the way home to get it back to you faster." James marveled at the sight in front of him. She was wearing blue mom jeans and a white crop top that read 'wild child' in red letters.

"Remus just come with me I promise no ones going to judge you." The girl takes a seat on a bench parallel to the boys. Too busy on her phone to notice.

A scrawny boy makes his way outside quickly walking to the girl. Sirius watches as the younger boy, who must be Remus, places his earbuds in. He's wearing a grey T-shirt with black jeans and red converse. He's lovely. Sirius shakes the thought out of his head and continues to listen.

"Now can we get my ice cream I don't want to be out here longer than I should Lily. You could just get it for me I'm going back inside." His voice is smooth like honey. Lily takes hold of his arm and drags him away around the corner.

"Wow. Anyone want some ice cream?" James hops down and tries to follow the two teens but Sirius grabs him by the shoulders.

"We came to look at our place, not to look at girls." Sirius and Peter then hop down.

"Oh please, we all know you were checking out that boy. What was his name? Remus?" Peter and James laugh at Sirius' burning cheeks. "Yeah Siri, don't act like you don't want some of that." The two boys continue to laugh harder.

"Shut up." Sirius shoved the other two and they all made their way inside.

Here's a little on their first impressions of the two besties. I hope this wasn't too boring.

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