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Every Time You Walk Away - D.A.

"Hello?" James put his phone on speaker.

"Hey bud, I just wanted to tell you how much I love you. You're so great. You and Peter. You two always helped me get through so much." His voice sounded slurred. As if he had been drinking. "I came to this spot. Remus and I came here a few times, it's not as beautiful without him. I'm about to leave. I met this guy. He bought me a few drinks and he wants me to go to his house."

Remus tried to get there as fast as he could. They were so close.

"Sirius don't go, you hardly know him. Stay where you are please we're coming to get you." James blurted out.

"I don't want to go back with you. Remus hates me...he said so himself. I thought I had a chance you know? I guess I just fucked it up like everything else. I think...I think tonight will be the night James. I'm sorry." Sirius had hung up and everyone was getting more and more anxious. Remus quickly drove into a parking spot and turned off the car. They all ran out of the car.

They spotted Sirius with some other man standing at the edge of the pier. Both had a beer bottle in their hand. The older man put his hand on the small of Sirius' back urging him to get going. The 4 friends made their way to the end of the pier. Peter pulled Sirius away from the man. He stumbled a little before hugging peter and giving him a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Baby Pete." he slurred. His breath smelling like beer and cigarettes.

"Who the fuck are you?" James was in the older guys way so he wouldn't go after Sirius. Peter and Lily were dragging him away.

James swung at the man and grabbed Remus' arm to run. They were a lot faster than him especially since he was drunk. Peter was driving now. Sirius was in the back seat drunk. James sat between Sirius and Remus.

"Sirius are you fucking crazy? Who knows what that man would've done to you." James was furious. "I can't believe you. You scared the shit out of all of us." Sirius laughed at that, slinging his arm around his best friend.

James rolled his eyes. He decided they'll pick up his bike once they get him settled in his room.

They all made their way into their apartment. Lily and Remus sat quietly in the kitchen. The boys had lead Sirius into his room giving him water to sober up. They needed him to change out of his clothes but he wouldn't cooperate. James and Peter met Lily and Remus in the kitchen.

"Hey Rem, he wants you." James smirked and Peter held in a laugh. A blush crawled onto Remus' face. Lily nudged him so he'd get up. Remus sighed and followed James to Sirius' room. He was sat patiently on his bed. Remus walked in and James closed the door behind him.

Remus made his way to Sirius' bed and sat next to him.

"I don't hate you. I just want you to know that." Remus looked down at his hands.

"Can you help me change?" Sirius changed the subject. Remus nodded and stood up, helping Sirius get up as well. He reached for the bottom of Sirius' shirt to pull it off. His eyes met grey ones to make sure it was okay. Sirius nodded and Remus slowly pulled of the shirt.

His eyes scanned over Sirius' scarred arms briefly before he noticed how toned his abs were. He knew Sirius was fit but wow. Sirius let out a deep chuckle before lifting Remus' chin up with his finger. He placed a gentle kiss on Remus' cheek making the boys heart skip a beat.

Sirius moved his hand to the back of Remus' neck, he placed soft kisses along the boys jaw and one on his neck sending shivers down Remus. Sirius pulled away and smirked at the flustered boy in front of him. He continued to get changed, pulling his jeans off slowly. Remus bit his lip.

The taller boy slipped into some pajama pants leaving his chest bare. He stood closer to Remus.

"I'm sorry." He whispered faintly. "I should have listened to you and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset remmy." He placed his head on Remus' shoulder and began to cry softly. Remus wrapped his arms around him holding on tight.

"I'm sorry too. God I'm so sorry. I had no idea I'd trigger you and I feel so terrible." Sirius lifted his head up lightly. An inch away from Remus' face. They stared into each others eyes. Both of their hearts were beating rapidly.

"Remus?" Sirius whispered.

"Yes?" Remus replied just as quiet.

"Can I kiss you?"

This is like the 5th update I did today?? I stood home from school and was hella bored so here we are. Also I'm really sorry for not making any moodboards it's really hard to find pictures so yikes

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